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Computer History

  • 300

    Pingala invented the binary number system

    Pingala invented the binary number system
    This is important because all computers use binary code
  • Nov 21, 724

    Liang Ling-Can

    Liang Ling-Can
    Liang Ling-Can invents the first fully mechanical clock
  • Nov 19, 1492

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    He drew pictures of inventions such as flying machines, including a helicopter, the first mechanical calculator and one of the first programmable robots
  • William Oughtred

    William Oughtred
    developed slide rules
  • Gottfried Leibniz

    Gottfried Leibniz
    Gottfried Leibniz is known as one of the founding fathers of calculus
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Samuel Morse invents Morse code
  • Alexander Graham Bell:

    Alexander Graham Bell:
    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone called the Photophone
  • Magnetic tape

    Magnetic tape
    The first magnetic tape is developed in the US
  • Apple Macintosh

    Apple Macintosh
    Apple introduces the Macintosh with mouse and window interface
  • Google Was Founded

    Google Was Founded
    This was important because now a days most of the population relies on google to learn the informationthat they desire