Colorado Industries

  • Mining

    Goods that my industry provided: gold and silver. Impact: some one found gold and sold it for three hundred dollars. Reason for coming to Colorado: to get and look for gold. Resources needed: land, water, tools.
  • Beer Industry

    Beer Industry
    Goods provided: employment, wood and beer. Impact: bring jobs. Reason for coming to Colorado: to produce beer. Resources needed: wood, people, building and water.
  • Denver Mint

    Denver Mint
    Services my industy provided: make coins. Impact: people worked and money was made. Reason for coming to Colorado: to make money. Resources neded: land, water, people and machiens.
  • Sports

    Goods that my industry provided: jerseys, balls, bleachers and entertainment. Impact: people played sports and bring money to the state. Reason for coming to Colorado: to play sports and jobs. Every state needs a team. Resources needed: grass, people and rubber.
  • Manufacturing

    Services that my industry provided: Water picks help cleen teeth. Coors Brewery made beer. Impact: people came. Reason for coming to Colorado: to make beer. Resources needed: wood, land, hops, food and water.
  • Cattle and sheep

    Cattle and sheep
    Goods that my industry provided: beef, milk, food, clothes and shelter. Impact: brings water and food. Reason for coming to Colorado to raise cattle and sheep. Resources needed:light, plants, water, air, soil, land and herdsmen.
  • Agriculture

    Goods that my industry provided: Food and the need for other industries. Impact: lack of water. Reason for coming to Colorado: to feed people. Resources needed: air, water, soil, sun, land, farmer and food
  • Tourism

    Goods that my industry provided: mountains,rivers,lakes and skiing. Impact: brings jobs and people spend money in our states. Reason for coming to Colorado: they enjoy our lakes, rivers and mountains. Resources needed: mountains, rivers, lakes and snow.
  • Air Force

    Air Force
    Services that my industry provided: jobs and hospitals. Impact: people worked and money was made. Tourists came to visit. Reason for coming to Colorado: wide open skies to learn to fly in. Resources needed: people, land and water.
  • Otter box

    Otter box
    Goods provided: phone and I pad cases. Impact: people bought phone and I pad cases. Jobs to Fort Collons. Reason for coming to Colorado: to buy phone cases. Resources needed: plastic, phone, people, workers, packaging, material, land and building.