Colorado Industries

  • Fur Traping

    Fur Traping
    Good/Sevices Provided pelts, costoreum, hats.
    Impact Brought people to colorado it was the begining of athe industries. Reason for coming to Colorado Beaver most wanted animals.
    Resources needed trapper, traps, guns, horses, caster.
  • Colorado Mning Idoustry

    Colorado Mning Idoustry
    The goods and services in the mining are gold,silve and coal. The Impact is More people came to colorado enough to make colorado become a state in 1876. The Reason for coming to colorado. There's mining,start a new life, and start a buisness because of mining. Resources needed. Mining, water, black smith, pick axe, pans, sluice box and dynamite.
  • Tourism

    Good/Services Provided: Sking, hicking, swimming, rafting, fly, fishiing, biking.
    Impact: Providing jobs.
    Reason for coming to Colorado: Scenery climate mountains
    Resources needed: Mountains, river, snow, workers, trees, fish
  • Transportation

    Good/Services Provided:Brought people places broaught supplie.
    Impact: Developing new sources of energy.
    Reason for coming to Colorado: Transportation alway requires energy wheather it be natrual.
    Resources needed:Train and steamboat
  • Beer

    Good/Services Provided: Beer beverages.
    Impact: Providing jobs.
    Reason for coming to Colorado: Wate
    Resources needed: Wate, wheat, hops, machinary and barny
  • Period: to

    The buisness man

    A buisness man looking for another job
  • Mining

    The industry in mining is oil, coal, natrual gas, gold, silver,uranium and molybendom. The impact started towns in colorado impact on natrual. Reason for coming to colorado is gold, money, start a new life. Resources needed sluice box, flum and pick axe