Cold War/Vietnam

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Dwight D. Eisenhower
    Dwight D. Eisenhower was the 34th President of the U.S. and also was appointed Army Chief of Staff on 1945.
  • Ray Kroc

    Ray Kroc
    Ray Kroc became President of Mcdonalds on 1955 by selling his milkshake machines to the Mcdonald brothers.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson

    Lyndon B. Johnson
    Lyndon B. Johnson was the 36th President right after JFK was assasinated in 1963.
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    Richard Nixon was the 37th President on January 20th 1969.
  • Jonas Salk

    Jonas Salk
    Jonas Salk created the vaccine for Pollio on April 2nd, 1955.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    JFK was the 35th President of The United States from 1961 to the day of his assasination on 1963.
  • Betty Friedan

    Betty Friedan
    Betty Friedan was a Women's Right's activist and co-founded the National Organization For Women.
  • Roy Benavidez

    Roy Benavidez
    Roy Benavidez was a member of the United States Army Special Forces and retired United States Army master sergeant who received the Medal of Honor.
  • Abbie Hoffman

    Abbie Hoffman
    Abbie Hoffman was an American Civil Rights Activist during the 60's.
  • War Power Act

    War Power Act
    The War Powers Act of 1941, also known as the First War Powers Act, was an American emergency law that increased Federal power during World War II.
  • G.I. Bill

    G.I. Bill
    This bill benifited war veterans by providing coverage to thsoe who are disabled or unemployed.
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    The Iron Curtain was the imaginary boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991.
  • Baby Boom Generation

    Baby Boom Generation
    Baby boomers are people born during the demographic post–World War II baby boom approximately between the years 1946 and 1964.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold War was a state of political and military tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc and powers in the Eastern Bloc. Historians do not fully agree on the dates, but 1947–91 is common.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine was an American foreign policy created to counter Soviet geopolitical hegemony during the Cold War.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan is an American initiative to aid Western Europe after the World War.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The United States sent over 2 million tons of supplies over the Berlin Wall to help out.
  • Containment Policy

    Containment Policy
    Containment was a United States policy using numerous strategies to prevent the spread of communism abroad.
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
  • McCarthyism

    McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.
  • Beatniks

    The Beatniks were a band during the 1950's to mid 1960's.
  • Domino Theory

    Domino Theory
    The Domino Theory was a theory during the 50's that if one country falls into communism the rest will eventually fall.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War was a war between North and South Korea, in which a United Nations force led by the United States fought for the South, and China fought for the North,.
  • Rosenberg Trail

    Rosenberg Trail
    The trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg begins in New York Southern District federal court they believed Rosenberg was selling information to the Russians.
  • Rock N' Roll

    Rock N' Roll
    Rock N' Roll is a genre of music that become popular in the U.S. during the 1950's.
  • Interstate Highway Act

    Interstate Highway Act
    The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, popularly known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act was introduced on June 29, 1956, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the bill into law.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    Sputnik was launched on October 4th, 1957 but the U.S. first landed on the moon on June 2nd, 1966.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay of Pigs Invasion, known in Latin America as Invasión de Playa Girón, was a failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the CIA.
  • Great Society

    Great Society
    The Great Society was a set of domestic programs in the United States launched by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964–65. The main goal was the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorized president Johnson to do whatever was neccesarry to keep peace in Southeast Asia.
  • Miranda v. Arizona

    Miranda v. Arizona
    in the case between Miranda v. Arizona, Miranda was found guilty and senteced to 20-30 years.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missle Crisis was a confrontation between the U.S. and Soviet Union.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive was the largest military campaigns in the Vietnam War.
  • Vietnamization

    Vietnamization was the policy Nixon introduced that would end the U.S. involvment in Vietnam.
  • 26th Amendment

    26th Amendment
    The 26th amendment states that any 18 year old U.S. citizen could vote.