Cold War/Vietnam

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    Dwight D. Eisenhower

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    Lyndon B. Johnson

    President Lyndon B. Johnson became President of the United States after the death of President Kennedy. His goal was to make America into a Great Society, but his plans failed when he had to take money for the Vietnam War.
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    Richard Nixon

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    Jonas Salk

    In 1953, Jonas Salk found the cure for a disease that attacked the central nervous system and caused paralysis and death, polio. Salk used a dead virus as the basis of his vaccine and first tested it on himself and his family before setting up a field test with over two million volunteers.
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    John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. He became the youngest man ever to be elected President.
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    Betty Friedan

    Betty Friedan was the author of “The Feminine Mystique.” The book challenged the belief system of educated house wives being happy doing the chores at home. Friedan wrote women being capable of doing the same job as the men and should be allowed to compete for the same jobs.
  • Iron Curtain

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    Baby Boom Generation

    The "Baby Boom" exactly nine months after World War 2, 20% more children were born in 1946 than in 1945. This trend was discovered by Landon Jones.
  • Truman Doctrine

    When Communist rebels threatened Greece and Stalin pressured Turkey, Truman decided to offer these countries military aid. He felt it was important to not make the same mistake as the appeasers in Munich who failed to stand up to Hitler in 1938.
  • Containment Policy

    Containment was an attempt to keep Communism under control. The leaders of America responded to the Soviets by developing a policy of containment. Under the policy, they did not try to get rid of Communism where it already existed, but tried to prevent it from spreading.
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    Cold War

    After WW2, the two strongest nations, the United States and the Soviet Union, had different ideas of the economy and government. With the communist Soviet Union wanted it one way and capitalist United States wanted the other. The war began in Europe and the Soviets controlled half of Germany and its capital, Berlin. The US controlled the other half of Germany and Berlin and lead to the Berlin Airlift.
  • Marshall Plan

    Benefited the American economy by helping to rebuild a war-torn Europe. Also sped up economic recovery in Western Europe and created good will towards the United States
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    Berlin Airlift

    In attempts to drive the Americans, French, and English out of Berlin the Soviets cut off all highways, railways, and canals to Western Berlin. The Western Allies refused to abandon West Berlin and started sending airlifts to supply and feed the city.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

    During the Cold War, the United States, Canada, and ten Western European countries created NATO. Every member of NATO was pledged to defend every nation if attacked. The U.S. extended their protection from nuclear warfare to the Western Europe countries. It was also through this that the Soviet Union created the Warsaw Pact.
  • "McCarthyism"

    Joseph McCarthy claimed to know the names of hundreds of Communist but didn't prove it. McCarthyism became identified as making harsh accusations without evidence.
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    Korean War

    Korea was divided into two, North, in a Communist government, and South, a non-Communist with an elected government. In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea in an attempt to to make the South Communist and as the North advanced the South was unmotivated and fled south. When President Truman heard of the invasion he was reminded of Nazi aggression and order U.S. troops into South Korean to stop the invasion and the U.S. was able to send U.N. soldiers into South Korea.
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    Rosenberg Trial

    In 1950, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg went to trial with charges of selling national secrets to the Soviet Union. They were found guilty and executed. In 1997, the National Security Agency the Verona Papers, it was an effort the U.S. secretly tried to decode, the Verona Papers revealed identities of Americans that spied for the Soviet Union.
  • Domino Theory

    Originally remarked by President Eisenhower about the fall of French Indochina could create a "Domino Effect." Meaning that when one country falls to communism surrounding countries might as well.
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    Vietnam War

  • Interstate Highway Act

    The Act was signed by President Eisenhower to create a system of federal highways. America was providing for the whole world that was recovering. This was due to the aftermath of the Cold War.
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    Space Race

    The Space Race started during the Cold War when the Soviets and United States tried to prove their superiority of its technology and military firepower. It all started when the Soviets launched Sputnik on October 14,1957. The Space Race was also responsible for the birth of NASA.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was the first artificial satellite in space, created by the Soviet Union. After the launch it sent the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. into a space race. Three months after Sputnik the U.S. sent the Explorer I into space that eventually found the magnetic radiation belts around the Earth. The launch of Sputnik also led to the creation of NASA.
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    Bay of Pigs

    President Eisenhower had planned to overthrow Castro and secretly trained a group of Cuban exiles in the United States. When Kennedy took office he let the plans continue, but refused to provide air power. When the excites landed in Cuba three months after Kennedy took office they were defeated by the Cuban military and this was an embarrassing foreign policy failure to Kennedy.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    After the exiles invaded Bay of Pigs, they were instructed not to tell the Cubans they were working with the U.S., but they disobeyed their orders. Castro and Khrushchev then took action to protect Cuba. When a U.S. spy plane flew over Cuba and discovered the Cubans secretly preparing nuclear missiles. It was closest the world would have gotten to a nuclear war. Then Khrushchev to withdraw the missiles if the U.S. did not invade Cuba. Kennedy agreed and also took the U.S. missiles out of Turkey
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    In 1964, President Johnson announced that N. Vietnamese attacked a U.S. ship in international waters, years later revealed the U.S. had actually been in North Vietnamese waters in cooperations with S. Vietnamese that were bombing N. Vietnamese. Congress voted to give full military powers to stop N. Vietnam’s aggressions.
  • Great Society

    The Great Society was President Lyndon B. Johnson goal by opening opportunities and and improving life for Americans. For example, he wanted to restore the natural beauty, expansion of education, ending poverty, health care for elderly, greater racial equality, and changes in the immigration policy. The failure of the Great Society was do to the cost of the Vietnam War and Johnson having to make withdraws from the programs
  • Tet Offensive 1968

  • Moon Landing

    In 1969, America was the first country to have a man on the moon. The first man to step foot on the moon was Neil Armstrong. Although 10 years before the Soviets sent the first man made to reach the moon.
  • Vietnamization

  • 26th Amendment

    The 26th Amendment is about the lowering age for voting from 21 to 16. In the case Oregon v. Mitchell, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had the right to change the minimum age in federal elections, but not state or local.
  • War Power Act

    This Act was set to limit Presidential Power, this was due to the wars in Korea and Vietnam, the President sent troops without getting a declaration of war by Congress. Now the President cannot send troops to countries without a formal declaration of war by Congress.