
Cold War to the Modern Day

By jeffger
  • The Yalta Conference

    The leaders of the allies have a meeting to discuss about the aftermaths of the war.
    These sectors include
    -The division of Germany
    -The Pay-back of Germany
    -The government system of Eastern Europe
  • Postdam Conference

    The Leaders met up again to discuss about further effects.
    * Soviets and U.S relations have worsen after Yalta and the tension starts to rise from this conference as President Truman agressively acts upon the Soviet leader.
  • End of WWII and the formation of U.N

    After World War ends, the United Nations is formed which is a international organization that focuses on combating issues around the world.
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    The Cold War

  • The Truman Doctrine and The Marshall Plan

    These two funds were used on governments/nations that opposed against communism. U.S provided money since Truman emphasised that misery and need is the birth of communism
  • Formation of NATO

    An organization is formed between the democratic allies which protects any member states from the attack of Soviet Union.
  • Formation of COMECON

    In response to NATO, Soviets creates COMECON (Council for Mutual economic Assistance) to aid communist nations.
  • China falls in to Communism

    After devestating war between Naitonalists and Communists, the communists wins with the support of the peasants. China signs a friendship treaty with the Soviets and the presence of China scares the allies.
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    The Korean War

    This is the first ever puppet war of democracy and commuism. North Korea invades the South in 1950 using Soviet's weapons and supplies and U.S/U.N forces come in to aid South Korea. This results in the division of a small penninsula and the tension still exists until today.
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    Arms Race

    Developments in nuclear arsenals are made by U.S and Soviets
  • Formation of Warsaw Pact

    In response to NATO, The Warsaw Pact is formed by the Soviets that has a similar strategy as the NATO. It will physically harm nations that attack any member states.
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    The Vietnam War

    Communist North Vietnam that is supported by the Soviet fights the South Vietnam that is supported by the U.S. U.S feared the spread of commuism and gets directly involved in this war by sending supplies and troops. Later this war turns into an unpopular war
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    The Space Race

    Another race that Soviet and the U.S had was the space race
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Soviet secretly builds a nuclear weapon in Cuba and U.S spy plane spots it. There was a great tension between the Soviets and the U.S that almost led to another war.
  • Man on MOON

    The U.S successfully wins the contest of the space race by landing the first man on the moon
  • Soviet and U.S signs INF

    INF which stands for (Intermediate nuclear forces) is signed by both nations that fought for a decades. Both nations promise the elimination of medium missiles. Gorbachev wanted to ease tension with U.S and this event is a dramatic incident of the intention.
  • The fall of the Soviet Union

    By the economic downfall, and the new leader: Gorbachev, Soviet Union falls from the division of the 15 republics.
  • Success of Hydrogen bomb of USSR

    USSR successfully tests its first hydrogen bomb and show that they are equal to the power of the U.S