cold war timeline

  • Period: to

    The cold war

  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    *three heads of goverment the USSR, USA, UK
    *Premier joseph stalin, president Harry s. Truman, Soviet ambassador to the united states andrei gromyko,secretary of the state Jamees F. Byrnes
    *the prepose of the meeting was for the punisment to nazi germany
  • formation of the united nations

    formation of the united nations
    *the Un started with 51 and now theres 193
    * the UN headquaters are located in ,anhatten new york
    *the offical languages are arabic, english, freanch, mandarin, russian, spanish
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    *harry truman stared to support greece and turkey with economic and military aid to prevent them from falling into USSR
    *many historians often consider it as the start of the cold war
    *the truman doctrine became the foundation of the president foreign policy and placed the U.S. in the role of global policeman
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    *the european recovery program ERP was a american initiative to aid europe
    * this program helped europes economic support
    *this will help rebulid all european economies after war world II
  • Creation Of Isreal

    Creation Of Isreal
    *David ben gurion head of the jewish agency established the stae of Israel
    *in the same day prsident harry s. truman recognized the new nation
    *Great britin opposed of a jewish state an arab state
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    *NATO stands for north atlantic treaty organization
    *the organization constitutes a system of collective defence where by its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party
    *the newest states across north america and europe are albania ans croatia
  • Berlin Air Lift

    Berlin Air Lift
    *the berlin air lift was one of the first major international crises of the cold war
    *many nations land in west berlin for necessities supplies over 4700 tons
    *the success of the berlin airleft broughtt embarrassment to USSR
  • korean war

    korean war
    *the war was between north korea and south korea
    *south korea sopported by united nations and people republic and north korea sopported by china and USSR at a time
    *the 38th parallel increasingly became a political border between the two sides
  • stalin dies

    stalin dies
    *stalin was in office from 3 april 1922 - 16 october 1952
    *hes resting place is in moscow
  • warsaw pact formed

    warsaw pact formed
    *the warsaw pcat was a treaty amoung eight communist states of central and eastern europe
    *it was signed 14 of may 1955 in warsaw
    *members of the warsaw pact are bulgaria, czechoslovakia,east germany humgry poland romania soviet union albania
  • vietnam war

    vietnam war
    *vietnam war also know as seconed indochina war
    *the goverment of south vietnam sopprted the united sates
    *vietnamesse communist common front directed by the north fought a guerrilla war against anti-communist forces in the region
  • Suez crisis

    Suez crisis
    *Egypation political victory
    *lsrraeil occupation of sinai until march 1957
    *soviet union and the united nations forceing great britain,frane, and lsrael
  • Sputnik I & Sputnik II

    Sputnik I & Sputnik II
    *the sputnik I was the frist satalight in space
    *they launched sputnik in baikonur

    *Sputnik was the secound sat in space
  • NASA Is Formed

    NASA Is Formed
    *President Dwight D. established the national aeronauties and space administration
    *most of the space exploeation efforts have been ledby nasa
    *Apollo moon landing missions
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    *the warsaw pact countries the solvit union,east berlin, poland, and other contries
    *the blue contries are the NATO members
    *Yugoslavia is the only communist contry
  • Bay of pigs invasion

    Bay of pigs invasion
    *the bay of of pigs is located in southern coast of cuba
    *the bay of pigs invasion was a failed military invasion on cuba undertaken by cia sponsored paramilitary
    *the cost of plan to over throw casrto was $13.1 million
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    *The berlin wall war a barrier constructed by the german Democratic republic it cut off west berlin and east berlin
    *The barrier had guared towers placed along large concrete wallsit was later knowen as the the death strip
    *the eastern bloc claimed that the wall was erected to protect its population from fascist elements conspiring to prevent the will will of the people
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    *This crisis i s genarally regarded as the moment in which the cold war came closest to turning into a nuclear conflict
    *when the USA had placed nuclear missiles in turkey and italy aimed at moscow
    *The soviet union sent nuclear missiles to cuba so they can be placed there for future attcks aganist or towards
  • kennedy is assassinated

    kennedy is assassinated
    • kennedy was killed in dalles taxes at 12:30 central time *the name of the killer is lee harvey oswald
    • 2 more people where injured governor connally james tague
  • USS Pueblo Incident

    USS Pueblo Incident
    *The uss pueblo (AGER-2) is an american research ship captured by north korean forces
    *The uss pueblo was bulid by Kewaunee shipbuilding and engineering
    * Until today the uss pueblo is the only U.S.A ship ever captured and held
  • nuclear non-proliferation treaty

    nuclear non-proliferation treaty
    *the teaty was to promot nuclear engery
    *189 nations invalved in the teaty
    *north korea which acceded to npt in 1985 but never came to compliance
  • UN Resolution 2758

    UN Resolution 2758
    *resolution 2758 was passed in reonse to the united nations general assembly resolution 1668 that required any change in chinas representation
    *the un that peoples republic of china as the only legitimaate representative
    *chinas full membership at UN and remains a point of contention on the political status of taiwan
  • Nixon visits china

    Nixon visits china
    *nixon visits china to make a important step for normalizing relations with people republic of china
    *it was marked that that was the first presudent to ever visit china which in that time it was considered a foe
    *nixon before he was elected wanted to make diplomatic relations
  • paris pease accords

    paris pease accords
    *in 1973 the paris pease inteded to establish pease in vietnam and end the war
    *the treaty ended direct U.S. military involment and temporarity stopped the fighting between north ans south vietnam
    *the agreement was not ratified by the senate of the united staes
  • Salt 1-2 agreements

    Salt 1-2 agreements
    *Salt 1 led to the anti- Ballistic missile treaty and interim agreement between two countrious
    *alothough salt 2 resulted in an agreement in 1979 the united states chose not to ratify the treaty in reponse to the USSR
    *Salt i led to a treaty and salt 2 led a argument vs the U.S.A and russia
  • South Vietnam falls

    South Vietnam falls
    • the fall of saigon the capital of south vietnam marked the end of the vietnam war *started a communist party *the fall of the city was preceded by the evacuation of almost all the american civilian and military personal
  • USSR invades afghanistan

    USSR invades afghanistan
    *this took place in democratic republic of afghanistan
    *afghan cival was continues
    *troops had to withdraw do to nature of the war and the leader of the 40th army also had to withdraw
  • U.S. & soviet boycotts of the olympics

    U.S. & soviet boycotts of the olympics
    *the 1979 soviet invasion of afghanistan spurred jimmy cater to issue an ultimatum on jan 20 that the united stes would boycott the moscow olympics if soviet troops did not withdraw
    *president robert kane told the international olympic committee that the usoc would still be willing to send a team to moscow if there were a spectacular
    *even though lord killanin insisted that the games should continue as sheduled.
  • Korean sirline flight 007

    Korean sirline flight 007
    • the airplane was shoot down by USSR forces *all passengers of the 007 plane die and crew abored *Lawrence mcdonald representative from gorgia int he united states house of representatives
  • U.S. invades grenada

    U.S. invades grenada
    *the uited states won in the matter of weeks from invadeing grenada
    *u.s.a lost 19 men and 116 wouned grenada 45 killed 358 wouned cuba 25 kiledd 59 wouned 638 captured
    *there was 24 civilian killed
  • Dissoling of the sovirt union

    Dissoling of the sovirt union
    *ussr spit up in the bottom in 1985
    *these are some of the 12 contrys armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia and ukraine
    *At these time mikhail resigned and handed over the nuclear missile launch codes
  • chernobyl

    *this disaster is the worest in terms of cost and deaths
    *this accedent was classifiled as a level 7 diaster
  • iran contra affair

    iran contra affair
    *senior administration officals secretly facilited the sale of arms to iran
    * hopeing it would relase usa hostages
    * its now prohibited by congress to boland amendment
  • tianaman square massacre

    tianaman square massacre
    *the protests were forcibly suppressed by hardline leaders who ordered the military to enfore martail law in the countrys capital
    *troops with assault rifles and tanks inflictred casualties on unarmed civilians trying to block the military advance
    *the chinese goverment condemned the protests as a counter
    revolutionary riot
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    *the capture of american spy Den started a diplomatic crisis between iran and united states
    *52 american diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days 2 months 2 weeks 2 days
    *The united states tried a rescue mission but it failed and it took the lives of 8 solders, 1 iran civilian, and 2 american aircrafts