Cold War-Present

  • TV Age

    TV Age
    TV's took the U.S. by storm in the 50's. In 1948 there were less than 17,000 TV sets in the U.S. but by the 50's there were an estimated 50 million sets owned. By 1954 the invention of the TV dinner had families start to eat their dinner in front of the TV. The TV was important to history because if it wasn't because of that there probably would not be cell phones computers or any of the advanced technology we have today. the TV Age impacted society because it started a generation of technology.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold War was a state of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II that took place between 1945-1989. The Soviet Union set up Soviet Satellites which were countries under Soviet control. The U.S. set up an Alliance group called NATO and in return the Soviet Union set up the Warsaw Pact. The importance of the Cold War is that it lasted for almost fifty years. The Cold War impacted politics because it was the U.S. fighting against communism for democracy.
  • NATO & Warsaw Pact

    NATO & Warsaw Pact
    The NATO & Warsaw Pact were two military alliances created by the United States and the Soviet Union. NATO created by the U.S. in 1949 and consisted all of the WWII allies excluding the Soviet Union. After the Soviet Union found out about NATO they formed the Warsaw Pact in 1955 and it consisted of all the Soviet Satellites. The NATO & Warsaw Pact impacted politics because it was Democracy v.s. Communism.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks was a woman who refused to give up her bus seat to a white person. On December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama. Rosa Parks refused to give her seat at the front of the bus to a white person an was arrested. This was important to history because it started the bus boycott and non violent protesting for social equality. Rosa Parks impacted society because she played a significant roll in equality for African Americans.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was a 13 day nuclear weapon standoff between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. In October of 1962 the Soviet Union sent nuclear weapons to Cuba and aimed them towards the U.S. The U.S. sent an American U-2 spy plane over Cuba which took photos of the missile sites. This was important to history because it was the closest thing to full out nuclear war. The Cuban Missile Crisis impacted politics because it involved Democracy and Communism
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam was a war between North Vietnam(communist) and South Vietnam(democratic) that lasted from 1968-1975. Vietnam is located near the South China Sea and in southeast Asia. The U.S. sent 500,000 troops to support the democratic south Vietnam in 1968. There was a local group called the Vietcong that sided with North Vietnam during the war. There were 1,589 Americans that went missing. The Vietnam war impacted politics because it was democrat vs communist.
  • Man lands on the Moon

    Man lands on the Moon
    On July 20, 1969 the United States sent Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Micheal Collins to the moon. The U.S. was racing the Soviet Union to the moon since they beat us to space. There were 600 million viewers on television when Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the moon at 10:56 pm. Man on the Moon impacted both society and politics because stepping on the moon was never done before and we were racing the Soviet Union to the moon.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    Jimmy Carter was a democratic president from 1976-1980. While president he was at the Helsinki Agreement and held the Olympic boycott of 1980. While president he also had the social security act passed. Before becoming president he was the governor of Georgia and he was a millionaire peanut farmer. This was important to history because of the Helsinki agreement. Jimmy Carter impacted politics and society because he was a president and h got the Social Security act passed.
  • Space Shuttle Challenger

    Space Shuttle Challenger
    The Space Shuttle Challenger was NASA'S first attempt at sending a civilian to space. Christa McAuliffe had won the contest to go to space. NASA gave this opportunity because they wanted to revive the public interest in the space program. On January 28, 1986 at 11:39 am in Cape Canaveral, Florida the space shuttle took off and the space shuttle started smoking and at 79 seconds it exploded. Space Shuttle Challenger impacted society because it was the first civilian that would have been to space.
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush was the 43rd president from 2000-2008 and was also son of the 41st president George H.W. Bush. George W. Bush was a Republican president and was president during the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers in New York. Before he became president he was the governor of Texas. He was important to history because he sent troops over to Afghanistan/Iraq after the 9/11 attacks. George W. Bush impacted society because of the tax relief and sending troops over seas to Middle eastern countries.
  • Iraq & Afghanistan Wars

    Iraq & Afghanistan Wars
    The Iraq and Afghanistan wars were started in 2001 and 2003 after the 9/11 attacks and assumptions that Iraq had nuclear weapons. Troops were sent to both countries by George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair. They sent troops to Afghanistan to find the person who held the 9/11 attacks and sent troops to Iraq because they thought they had nuclear weapons and they wanted to protect the oil reserves. Iraq & Afghanistan Wars impacted economy because it gave the U.S. trillions in debt.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was a Hurricane that totally annihilated the city of New Orleans. Hurricane Katrina was a 400 mile wide category 4 hurricane that unleashed 17 inches of rain and 11.8 ft high waves. Winds reached 175 mph and caused roughly $81 billion in damage to the city. This was the costliest hurricane on record. Hurricane Katrina impacted both economy and society because it caused $81 billion in damaged and left 1,833 people dead and 735 missing.