Cold War Events

By 2331
  • DiemBienPhu

    Day of French defeat, Vietnam earns independance
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Supreme court ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    In Alabama the blacks begin to boycott the public transportation system in protest of the segregation of public places
  • Rosa Parks

    Rose Parksb refused to get up for a white man on the bus and was arrested
  • Refused Elections

    Ngo Dinh Deim refused to permit the election, fearing Ho Chi Minh would win
  • SCLC

    Martin Luther King Jr. and other southern ministers found the SCLC
  • Little Rock

    Eisenhower sends troops to Little Rock to ensure integration of a highschool in Alabama
  • Greensboro sit-in

    This is the beginning of sit-ins, where African Americans go and sit in the white only parts of stores and restaurants peacefully, only demanding service
  • Green Beret

    UN special forces (green beret) land in Vietnam
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith, a black, tries to register at the University of Mississippi; riots force Kennedy to send in troops
  • MLK in Birmingham

    Martin Luther King Jr. leads protests in Birmingham Alabama; police assault the potestors and King is jailed
  • Diem bans traditional Buddhist flags

    Diem, a Catholic, bans the flags for Buddha's birthday, which is the most widely practised religion in Vietnam, making him very very unpopular
  • "I Have A Dream."

    Martin luther dileavers his I Have A Dream speech
  • Overthrow of Diem

    Diem was so unpopular that the generals overthrew and shortly afterwords executed Diem, with the American ambassador's sympathy towards the generals
  • Civ. Rights Act

    Civil rights act
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    North Veitnamese torpedo boats fired on two American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Senate and House authorize the president to take all neccessary actions to prevent armed attacks and further aggression
  • Send in the Troops

    After an attack at Pleiku against American soldiers, Johnson responds by bombing North Veitnam
  • Selma, Alabama

    King leads a march into Selma, Alabama,to build support for new voting rights law, police brutally attack the marchers
  • Cambodia

    President Nixon extends the Veitnam war into Cambodia
  • Laos

    American troops invade Laos
  • Christmas Bombings

    The Christmas bombings were the huge final bombing effort against north vietnam forces called "Linebacker II" by Nixon
  • US Embassy Overrun

    US Embassy is overrun in Cygon