cold war

  • First artificial satellite launched into space(USSR)

    History changed on October 4,1957 when the soviet union successfully launched sputnik.
  • First animal (dog)in space (USSR)

    In 1957,laika became the animal launched into orbit, paving the way for human spaceflight.
  • First US satellite lauched to space(USA)

    The satellite was supposed to launch as the united states ' contribution to science during international geophysical year (which ran from 1957 - 1958).
  • First probe sent to Moon(USSR)

    The luna programme (from the Russian word "Luna" meaning "Luna" or "moon").
  • First human sent to space(USSR)

    On April 1961,russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to travel into space when he launched into orbiton the vostok 3KA-3 spacecraft (vostok1).
  • First communications satellite launched to space(USA)

    Extravehicular activity (EVA) is any activity done by
  • First women sent to space(USSR)

    Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first women to fly to space when she launched on the Vostok 6 missionjune16,1963
  • First extra-vehicular activity(USSR)

  • First human to step foot on the moon(USA)

  • First space station (USSR)

  • First satelllite to orbit another planet(USA)

  • First space mission(USA&USSR