cold war

  • Yalta Conference, Soviet Union

    Meeting of the U.S, United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union discussing Germany and Europe organization after the war. Post war peace and organization to help the liberated people of Nazi Germany. After the cold war began this meeting became very controversial
  • Atomic Bomb Drop on Nagasaki and Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb Drop on Nagasaki and Hiroshima
    A B-29 American bomber plane dropped the first atomic over the city of Hiroshima in Japan. The nuclear explosion killed 80,000 as soon as it dropped and tens of thousands of people later died from the radiation poisoning. 3 days after this drop another B-29 plane was sent over the city of Nagasaki dropping another atomic bomb. This bombed killed 40,000 people. On August 15th the japanese emperor announced their surrender in WW2.
  • United Nations Creation

    United Nations Creation
    This was a replacement made in place of the League of Nations. The UN was created after the end of WW2, the goal of this creation was to prevent a conflict like the cause of WW2. The UN first had 51 member states, today there are nearly 200. The goal is to create peace between nations, providing aid to those in need, and aiding in times of famine, natural disasters or an economic downfall.
  • Winston Churchill Iron Curtain Speech

    One of the most famous speeches of all time, informing people about the cold war beginning and how it is going to go. Letting people know that the goal is to avoid WW3 and have a peaceful future for years to come.
  • NATO Creation

    NATO Creation
    NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization) came to be in 1949. The creation was made by the U.S, Canada, and western nations in Europe. It was made to collect information about the soviet union. The states wanted to support Europe as much as they could after WW2, keeping an eye on the soviets ensuring that communism didn't spread across Europe. This was the first peacetime military alliance the U.S. implemented into Europe.
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    Hydrogen Bomb
    There was much research put into atomic bombs, and then looking into the more powerful hydrogen bomb. Which has the potential to wipe out much more than an atomic bomb. After years of research bombs were put to the test. Operation CASTLE saw 6 different hydrogen bomb tests, the biggest bomb was 14.8 megatons, 2 times what the scientists thought it would be. This put the fear and thought of nuclear fallout into the publics mind.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    This was a war between North and South Korea. North had the support of the soviet union and china, while the south had support from the U.S. It began on June 25th 1950 when there was conflict along the border. The allied countries played a big aid to the Korean sides. The war lasted over 3 years and ended as there was a paper signed declaring North and South Korea are separate.
  • Warsaw Pact signed

    Warsaw Pact signed
    This was also known as a treaty of friendship, signed between communist states. The treaty was signed by the soviet union and 7 other eastern European states. The pact’s main goal was to keep the Soviet union at large and the satellite states in line with the soviets. The treaty stated that all members would come to each others aid if they were ever attacked.Eventually the Warsaw pact got announced as dead many many years later.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    A war that occurred between North and South Vietnam governments. The U.S was with south Vietnam and as the war went on, overwhelming amounts of equipment was being used. Heavy air force, ground force, and bombing squads were sent out. In the end North Vietnam reigned victorious with the U.S withdrawing. Communist powers then took over south Vietnam.
  • Sputnik Launch

    Sputnik Launch
    The soviet union sent the first ever successful satellite into space. This satellite was about the size of a beach ball. This marked the start of the space age, and the space race between the United States and the U.S.S.R. The soviets later sent sputnik 2 into space which came with a dog. Eventually inspired the U.S to send satellites up which carried scientific data for them to use about the earth.
  • Berlin Wall Built

    Berlin Wall Built
    The erlin wall was built in the beginning of the cold war. The wall completely covered west Berlin, and was setup overnight. This was to blockade the germans that had fled west. The wall was a hot spot during the cold war as it was in the now split up Germany, between communists, capitalists.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Also knows as the October crisis, this was a 13 day scare concerning ballistic missiles between the U.S and the Soviet Union. U.S. missiles deployed in Italy and turkey, and the soviets in Cuba. This almost caused an outbreak into a nuclear war. The result was a disband of the ballistic missiles, and a nuclear hotline created between the U.S and the Soviet Union.