cold war

  • postwar occupation and division of germany

    postwar occupation and division of germany
    Germany surrendered because they had a big mess going on. They had millions of refugees and lots of people dyeing from hunger.
  • chinese communist revolution

    chinese communist revolution
    it was when manchu dynasty was overthrown in the establishment of a republic.Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China
  • Enactment of marshall plan

    Enactment of marshall plan
    It became known as the Marshall Plan, named for Secretary of State George Marshall, who in 1947 proposed that the United States provide economic assistance to restore the economic infrastructure of postwar Europe.
  • berlin blockade and airlift

    berlin blockade and airlift
    its when the soviet union blocked the western allies. soviet union was gonna drop the blockade if they withdrew the new Deutsche mark from west berlin.
  • korean war

    korean war
    it was between north Korea and south Korea. North Korea invaded south Korea causing a series of clashes along the border. the united nations and united states came in to help korea.
  • cuban revolution

    cuban revolution
    it was a armed revolt with cuba and the authoritian Cuban president Fulgencio Batista. it went on till batista finally got beat and replaced his government with a revolutionary socialist state.
  • formation of eastern bloc

    formation of eastern bloc
    This was a term made by NATO. it ment for the former communists states in eastern and central Europe.
  • vietnam war

    vietnam war
    it was a costly and long war. more than 3 million people were killed and half of them were Vietnamese civilians. communist forces ended the war by seizing control of south Vietnamese.
  • bay of pigs invasion

    bay of pigs invasion
    it was a failed military invasion of cuba by the CIA. they had trained troops from Guatemala and Nicaragua. they were defeated within 3 days of fighting.
  • building the berlin wall

    building the berlin wall
    east berlin put up the wall during the cold war. they put it up due to people trying to fleed and go to west berlin. they has the wall put up over night and nobody could flee now.
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    it was a 13 day confrontation of the united state and the soviet union. the scare was that the united states were gonna launch missile to Italy and and turkey with the consequent of a missile launching from cuba
  • prague spring

    prague spring
    was a joint invasion of Czechoslovakia by five Warsaw Pact nations – the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany and Poland – on the night of 20–21 August 1968.
  • soviet war in afghanistan

    soviet war in afghanistan
    troops from the soviet union invaded Afghanistan. they invaded to support the of the Afghan communist government.
  • fall of the soviet union

    fall of the soviet union
    he ordered a strategic policy re-evaluation in order to establish his own plan and methods for dealing with the Soviet Union and arms control.
  • tiananmen square massacre

    tiananmen square massacre
    a bunch of young men marched into Beijing to protest for greater democracy. also to protest for greater democracy and call for the resignations of Chinese Communist Party leaders deemed too repressive.
  • fall of the berlin wall

    fall of the berlin wall
    when the cold war was about done east berlin decided they wanted to change the cities relation with west berlin. people were now aloud to cross the border.