Cold War to Present

  • Untied Nations

    Untied Nations
    The United Natios is a peace keeping organazation that organized in New York in 1945. They provided vaccines, tried to improve education, and tried to solve disease and hunger. The leader was Antonio Guterres.
  • Baby Boom

    Baby Boom
    The baby boom occured from 1945-1954. This is event got it's name because of the ammount of babies that were born. The nubers shot up from 9 million to 29 million. This made up timelost during the Great Depression, and WWll.
  • Joe McCarthy

    Joe McCarthy
    Joe Mccarthy was the senator for Wisconsin. He had a list of people that he had thought were communist in the givernment and in the Army. However, none of this was true. In 1954 he went in tv and said what he thought. He then ended up getting kicked out of office. It impacted polotics because he was removed from office.
  • Brown V.S. Board

    Brown V.S. Board
    Oliver Brown wanted his daughter to go to an all white school because the school was closer. The NAACP helped to file a law suit in the supreme court because it violated to 14th ammendment. This is important because it overturned Plessy V,S Ferguson case. It impacted Society because Brown won and it intergrated all of the white only schools.
  • Elvis

    Elvis was a hottie for the women. He was also a singer. He lived in Memphis Tennessee. He was popular between 1956 and 1972. He had 94 gold sigles and 40 gold albums. He impacted society becausenhe dontaed money to charity and to strangers.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    Fidel astro came into power. Because of this, Cubans feld to the US. Then, Soviet Union gave Cuba money to ge them back.
  • Cuban Missle crisis

    Cuban Missle crisis
    the soviet union gave cuba weapons. a spy plane from the us took pictures of the missle sights. JFK told america about the missles and said warships would turnback.
  • Robert F Kennedy Assanation

    Robert F Kennedy Assanation
    Robert Kenedy was assanated on his way to the press room. The assasin Sirhan Sirhan was hiding in the kitchen when he stepped out and shot Robert. Twice in the chest, and one in the head. He was killed June 4, 1968 in LA. This is importqnt because Sirhan hated him because he supported Israel's military policies. It impacted society and politics. This is because one Kennedy was shot and now another one did, and polotics because he was running for presedent.
  • Kent State Massacare

    Kent State Massacare
    College students were protestiong after nixon pleadges to send troops to cambodia. Police then proceded to club and bayonet students. As an act of self defense students threw rocks. Then 61 bullets were shot into the crowd. 9 were wounded.
  • Watergate

    5 men broke into the democratic party head queaters. Burglars were linked to nixon.He promised the US wasnt involved. Nixon was impeached 2974.
  • Hurracane Katrina

    Hurracane Katrina
    This hurracane was the most ecpensive hurracane on record in the US. It was a category 4 hurricane in New orleans. it was 400 miles wide and thre was 17 inches of rain.
  • Barack Obama's Irriguration

    Barack Obama's Irriguration
    Januarary 20th, 2009, Obama became predent. He used Abe Lincolns bibe to swear in. He was the first ever African American presedent. This is the most observed global event in history. He was the 44th presedent.