Claude McKay

  • Claude McKay was born

    Claude McKay was born
    He was born in Sunny Ville in Jamacia. His parents were Thomas
    Fransis McKay and Hanah Ann Elizibeth. Claude was the youngest of eleven children.
  • Period: to

    Life of Caude McKay

  • Began writing poetry

    Began writing poetry
    He started writing poetry at 10 years old.Poetry was his bigest love.And later would be a famos poet .
  • went to trade school

    He went to trade school.At trade school he learned even more about poetry.The school was destroyed and Claude became a cabinetmacker because he nedded a job because he didn't have verey much money.While at trade school him and his older brothers and sisters had to live with the school teacher of the trade school beacause they didn't have a house because he had just moved hear. He was only a cabnet maker for a short period of time than he would go strait to writing novels and writing poetry.
  • Mentor

    Walter Jekyell was Clauedes mentor and he encouraged Claude to write dialect.Claude McKay had many diffrent teachers but he says that Walter Jekyll was his favorite teacher and father figure. Later Claude McKay deticates some of his poems and biographys to him.Sadly Walter died in1929.Walter Jekyll inspired Claude McKay to write Banana Bottom (witch I will later talk about) Banana Bottom was McKay's finest novel.That is why he was his favorite teacher
  • Mother dies

    McKays mother died of a diseace that is unknowned. After she died he went back to trade school where Walter would teach him more on writing things and teaching him more poetry.
  • moved to America

    In 1912 he moved to America as a poet.He published two poems called Songs of Jamacia and Constab Ballads. These where his most famous and best selling poems of all time and one of the best over all.
  • College

    McKay went to Kansas State University.He went to more classes about poetry beacuse he new that poetry was the thing he wanted to do. Afterwords he married a women by the name of Eulalie Lewars they had one daugther lived a happy life in New York. Until She left New York and went back to Jamacia and Claude McKay moved to chicago where he would write lots of famous poems.
  • published two sonnets

    In 1917 McKay published two sonnets called the harlem dancer and invoction.He would make the same kind about life as a black person.McKay was against racsisime and made many poems about how he does not want that and how bad it is and how bad it can get some of his poems helped to stop it.
  • If We Must Die and Baptisim

    If We Must Die and Baptisim
    During racial violence McKay wrote a popular poem called "if we must die". Also in that time period he wrote a poem of world war II it was called baptism.These poems were more dramatic than any other poem he wrote.
  • McKay in England

    McKay went to England and wrote a book of versus called Spring in New Hamshier. The same year he wrote a poem called Harlem shadows and Negroes in America.Negros in America was one that was against splits between black people and white people.
  • Wrote his first novel

    McKay wrote his first novel called home to Harlem. This was one of his best selling novel he had ever done Behind Banana Bottom.McKay got lots of money selling his books of poems and novels and began to become richer than he was in Jamacia.
  • Wrote another novel

    McKay wrote another novel called Banjo witch was about an African American musician Banjo was one of his worst poem he did but it was still a great one.
  • Banana Bottom

    Banana Bottom
    McKay wrote a short novel called Banana Bottom. Banana Bottom is about a women named Bita Plant who returns to Jamacia after being schooled in England and she has to kind of remmember her native things. This was known as his "finest novel".This was deticated to Walter Jekyll his favorite teacher.
  • A Long Way from Home

    A Long Way from Home
    When McKay moved to Morocco in 1930 he wrote a Biography called a long way from home. He ended this biograpy with this statement....'I have nothig to give but my singing. All of my life I have been a troubador wanderer nursing myself mainly on poetry of exictance.And all I offer is the distilled poetry of my experiance.
  • Started writing articals

    McKay started writing articals for diffrent news papers.Like New York News and The New leader as in the new president in that time periond and more.
  • Heart Disease

    Heart Disease
    In 1940 Claude McKay found out he had a very high blood pressure and Heart Disease.
  • Christian

    McKay became a Christian .He also went to a Chathlic church in Chicago and prayed about his truobles with heart disease.
  • McKay's death

    McKay's death
    McKay died on May 22 1948 beacause of heart disease and a high blood pressure. many people made qotes about his poems and he became the most popular poet that was black in that time period.