Civil War Timeline- Nick O'Friel

By NO1313
  • U.S. Census

    U.S. Census
    The population in the United States was 31,443,321 in 1860. A 35.4 percent increase from the 1850 census.
  • Period: to

    Civil War Timeline- Nick O'Friel

  • The Pony Express has its first mail sent out

    The Pony Express has its first mail sent out
    On April 3, 1860 a courier leaves from St. Joseph, Missouri and arrives in Sacromento, California ten days later. This proved to be the fastest mail delivery so far.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected as the 16th President

    Abraham Lincoln is elected as the 16th President
    On November 6, 1860 Lincoln became the first Republican President and defeated his opponents John Bell, John C. Breckinridge and Stephen Douglas.
  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
    South Carolina becomes the first state to secede from the Union because of slavery issues. Many other Southern states follow after them.
  • Troops are moved to Fort Sumter

    Troops are moved to Fort Sumter
    Major Robert Anderson moves troops from Fort Mulltrie to Fort Sumter secretely. He wanted to prevent an attack by the South Carolina militia after they seceeded from the Union.
  • The Confederate States of America are formed

    The Confederate States of America are formed
    The Confederate States, made up of all the southern states that secceded from the Union, are formed led by Jefferson Davis.
  • Jeffeson Davis is elected as the President of the Conderacy

    Jeffeson Davis is elected as the President of the Conderacy
    Jefferson Davis was elected as the first President of the Confederate States at the Montgomery Capitol in front of an audience of about ten thousand people.
  • The Civil War Begins

    The Civil War Begins
    The Conferderates attack Major Anderson and his troops at Fort Sumter, marking the beginning of the Civil War.
  • Proclamation of Blockade is issued

    Proclamation of Blockade is issued
    President Lincoln issued a Proclamation of Blockade against Shothern Ports. This limited the amount of supplies that the South could recieve during the war.
  • George B. McClellan becomes general in chief for the Union Armies

    George B. McClellan becomes general in chief for the Union Armies
    Winfield Scott retired as general in chief and McClellean took over the position, aquiring control of all the Union Armies.
  • The U.S. issues the first paper currency

    The U.S. issues the first paper currency
    The United States began to issue the first paper currency in 5,10,20,50,100,500 and 1000 dollar bills.
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    The Confederate army snuck up on General Grant and the Union army. The Confederates had the advantage, but were defeated by the Union on the second day of the battle.
  • Confederate Conscription Act

    Confederate Conscription Act
    The Confederate Congress passed an act stating that white males between the age of 18 and 35 could be drafted.
  • First income tax is collected

    First income tax is collected
    Income tax was put in place to help pay for the war. The Government would take part of every americans salary.
  • Antietam

    The bloodiest single day battle. Over 26,000 men were killed and the Union took the win, sending General Lee back to Virginia.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln frees all slaves in territory that has been captured by the Union.
  • Military Draft

    Military Draft
    The U.S. Congress holds the first military draft. Men were forced to join the army unless they payed the government 300 dollars or had a valid reason they couldn't serve.
  • Stonewall Jackson dies

    Stonewall Jackson dies
    General Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson dies after being mistakenly shot by his own men at Chancellorsville.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    The bloodiest four day battle that was a turning point in the war for the Union.
  • Vicksburg

    General Grant captures Vicksburg and takes contorl of the Mississippi, which splits the Confederacy in two.
  • Grant put in charge of Union Armies

    Grant put in charge of Union Armies
    Lincoln appoints Ulysses S. Grant as the commander of all the Union Armies.
  • Fort Pillow Massacre

    Fort Pillow Massacre
    On April 12, 1864 a battle took place at Fort Pillow, Tennesse. The Union troops surrendered, but the Confederates killed them anyway.
  • The Siege of Petersburg

    The Siege of Petersburg
    General Grant planned to take Petersburg, which was south of Petersburg. Then he planned to move to Richmond and take control of the Confederate capitol. Unfortunately for Grant, the Union army failed at Petersburg.
  • Confederate troops near Union Capitol

    Confederate troops near Union Capitol
    Confederate General Early got within five mile of Washington D.C., but were driven away by Union troops.
  • Lincoln is reelected

    Lincoln is reelected
    Lincoln is reelected as the President, defeating his opponent George McClellan.
  • The Thirteenth Amendment

    The Thirteenth Amendment
    Lincoln passes the Thirteenth Amendment, which will eventually destroy slavery.
  • Lincoln's Second Term

    Lincoln's Second Term
    Lincoln is sworn in for his second term as the President of the United States.
  • The Fall of Richmond

    The Fall of Richmond
    The Union Army overthrows the confederates at Richmond, marking a huge victory for the Union.
  • General Lee surrenders

    General Lee surrenders
    Lee surrenders to General Grant at the Appomattox Court House in Virginia, which officially ends the war.
  • Slavery is Abolished

    Slavery is Abolished
    Slavery is finally abolished due to the Thirteenth Amendment being passed previously.