Civil War in the U.S. and Texas

  • Election of Abraham Lincoln

    Election of Abraham Lincoln
    This day Abraham lincoln has been elected as president in the U.S. He won against John C. Breckinridge, John Bell, and Stephen Douglas. This is a very important event because of Lincoln being elected 7 southern states has seceded from the U.S. to form the Confederate States of America. He did not want war, but there had to after the Confederate army opened fire on Fort Sumter.
  • Texas secedes from the Union

    Texas secedes from the Union
    This day Texas secedes from the Union. This is a very important event because of Texas seceding from the Union this makes the Confederate even bigger. With Texas seceding this also gives the Confederate more supply because there are 3 ports in Texas. Sam Houston did not want to secede because he knew the South would lose the Civil War.
  • Sam Houston gets kicked out of office

    Sam Houston gets kicked out of office
    This day Sam Houston is thrown out of office. Sam was the governer of Texas. He had tried hard to not secede from the union because he knew the confederacy would loose. He is the only person to be thrown out of governers office in two states.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    This day the Battle of Fort Sumter had occured. Union troops arestuck at Fort Sumter and Confederate troops are firing at the fort. This had gone on for 34 hours. Maj. Robert Anderson had refused to surender until they had run out of ammunition. No men were killed and the Confederacy had won there first battle.
  • Battle of Galveston

    Battle of Galveston
    On this day the battle of Galveston had occured. One year earlier the Union had taken control of Galveston because the city gets ports from other countries to get supply for the Confederacy. Now the Confedercy had come to take back there city. 26 confederates had been killed and 117 wounded.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Gettysburg

    On these few days the Battle of Gettysburg has occured. Before the battle Confederate troops had converged around Gettysburg to plan an attack. On the second day of the battle the Union had defended a fishhook range of hills with about 90,000 troops. While the Confederacy had wrapped around Gettysburg fighting had broke out. While fighting is going on the Union had sent reinforcements. On the third day of the battle Lee had led his army to retreat back to Virginia. The union had won.
  • Battle of Sabine Pass

    Battle of Sabine Pass
    On this day the Battle of Sabine Pass had occured. Union forces had barged into Sabine Pass up the Sabine river and into Fort Griffin with 5,000 troops, but the Confederacy only had 49. The gunners at the fort were sent there for punishment and while they were there they had practiced shooting at range markers. That had paid off because they had won the battle giving confederate troops inspiration to fight the war.
  • Period: to

    Red River Campaign

    In this month the Red River Campaign had occured. During this Campaign the Union hoped to capture everything along the Red River in Louisiana. They also hoped to capture all cotton producing regions. This ended up to be nothing.
  • End of the civil War

    End of the civil War
    On this day the Civil War has ended.Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith, commander of Confederate forces had surrendered to the Union. With Smith's surrender, the last Confederate army ceased to exist, bringing a formal end to the Civil War. This had been the most bloodiest 4 years in U.s. history.
  • Battle of Paliminto Ranch

    Battle of Paliminto Ranch
    On this day the Battle of Paliminto Ranch had occured. This is the final battle of the American Civil War. Col. Theodore H. Barret ordered an attack on an enemy camp near Fort Brown. They had taken prisoners. The attack was repulsed the next day by Confederate Col. John Salmon Ford near Palmito Ranch. The Confederate army had won.
  • Juneteenth

    On this day Juneteenth had occured. This day all slaves were freed everywhere in the U.S. The Civil War was finally over. The Union had won.
  • Reconstruction ends

    Reconstruction ends
    On this day the Civil War reconstruction has ended. Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson took moderate positions designed to bring the South back to normal as quickly as possible. New southern state legislatures passed restrictive “black codes” to control the labor and behavior of former slaves and other African Americans. This was made to control the South.