Civil War Battles (Nicholas Adamski)

  • Fort Sumter

    Won: (The confederacy won)
    At:(Charleston Harbor, South Carolina)
    Win: (Easy)
    This was the first battle of the war. It encouraged a lot of northerners to join the union army.
  • Bull Run/ Manassas

    Won: (Confederacy won)
    At: (Manassas, Virginia)
    Win: (Difficult)
    It would discourage secessionists and severely hurt the confederate ability to fight.
  • Fort Donelson

    Won: (Union)
    At: (Fort Donelson, Tennesee)
    Win: (Easy)
    The 13,000 confederates surrendered, and grant because a hero in the north.
  • U.S.S Monitor US. C.S.S Virginia

    Won: (Confederacy won)
    At: (James River, Virginia)
    Win: (Difficult)
    It was very sucessful at first, sinking five ships.
  • Shiloh

    Won: (Union)
    At: (Pittsburg)
    Win: (Difficult)
    The union did not follow as the casualties, The confederacy was a retreat.
  • Shenandoah

    Won: (Confederacy)
    At: (Shenandoah, Valley)
    Win: (Difficult)
    2,000 union prisioners where captured by the confederate.
  • Antieltian

    Won: (Confederacy)
    At: (Bull Run)
    Win: (Difficult)
    Antietam, but had yet again wastedan oppertunity to destroy the confederate.
  • Gettysburg

    Won: (Union)
    At: (Pensilvania)
    Win: (Dificult)
    The turning point of the war, and the beggining of the end for the south.
  • Vicksburg

    Won: (Union)
    At: (Mississippi)
    Win: (Difficult)
    Union gunboats, then joined in the plan, sailing down the river in front of fortified city.