Civil War

  • Compromise of 1850

    The north gained California as a new free state, but Texas ended up losing territory. This resulted in 10 million dollars in debt. Overall the south continued to grow as the fugitive slave law.
  • The Kansas Nebraska Act

    With this territories were allowed to choose whether they
    wanted slavery based on popular sovereignty. This is one of the most signifigan't events leading into the Civil War. This act revoked the Compromise of 1850.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    This was also known as “Bloody Kansas”, it's the scene of territorial
    civil war that was between antislavery and proslavery. This resulted in hundreds of deaths along with over $2 million dollars in property was was destroyed and damaged. Throughout the Civil War Kansas was most affected and had the highest rate of casualties as they were split between sides involving slavery.
  • The Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott was a slave who was seeking freedom. The decision in 1857 to grant him freedom was denied by the Supreme Court. This stated that no African American would be allowed to become a citizen. This also rejected the Compromise of 1850 and outraged many people.
  • Lincoln - Douglas Debates

    This is a series of 7 debates that occurred between Abraham
    Lincoln. Lincoln's speech is stated to be the most significant statement in American Political History. His speeches and debates involved the importance of freedom to all especially slaves which influenced Political debate.
  • Harpers Ferry

    The Harpers Ferry which is a US military arsenal was
    a target of an assault led by John Brown. This was an act meant to help free slaves and this was the first stage in his plan to help get america to become an anti-slavery country.
  • Lincoln’s Election

    Lincoln was elected on November 16, 1860, and was elected the
    16th president of the United States. He also became the first republican to be elected into office. His speeches were monumental as he supported anti slavery and enforced freedom for all.
  • Fort Sumter

    April 12, 1861, Confederate officer General P. G.T Beauregard
    opened fire around Charleston. This was the first battle of the Civil War which lead to a Confederate Victory. It involved over 80 union soldiers in battle and engaged over 500 confederate soldiers to fight as well. Eventually it all slaves in the ten slave states that it affected were free because of the Proclamation. The Proclamation however did not outlaw slavery and ex-slaves were not considered citizens.
  • Bull Run

    Was the first land battle in the war. The Union‘s goal was to quickly defeat the bulk of the Confederate army and create a path to Richmond, the Confederate capital, to quickly end the war. General lrvin McDowell led 28,500 Union soldiers from Washington to Bull Run in Virginia. There they were met by 32,000 Confederate soldiers. After a day of fighting the Union retreated back to Washington DC. This battle convinced the Lincoln administration that the war would be long and costly.
  • Antietam

    September 17 1862 is the bloodiest day in American military history. At dawn 87,000 union soldiers attacked 45,000 confederate soldiers. Despite the almost two to one odds General Robert E. Lee and the soldiers he commanded held out until nightfall. In the morning the confederate soldiers retreated into Maryland. Even Though the battle was considered a draw. Lincoln claimed the battle was a victory for the union.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order that gave freedom to 3 million slaves. But to be free the slaves had to escape the confederacy.
  • Gettysburg and Gettysburg Address

    The Battle of Gettysburg in 1863 was the turning point in the war. Union General George Meade pushed back Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s attempts to gain a foothold in the North. The battle lasted three days and had more casualties than any other battle in the Civil War. The Gettysburg Address was a 273 word speech in which Abraham Lincoln connected the Civil War with "a new birth of freedom". It is considered one of the most powerful speeches in American History.
  • Andersonville prison

    The Andersonville prison was the largest Confederate prison during the war. It was constructed in 1864 in Andersonville Georgia and was only supposed to hold 10,000 prisoners. Of the 45,000 union soldiers that were prisoners there 13,000 died. Any prisoner that tried to escape was shot by guards that were in elevate towers.
  • Surrender at Appomattox Court House

    The surrender as the Appomattox court house occurred after General Robert E. Lee attacked Union soldiers. At first the Confederate soldiers outnumbered the union troops and they were able to push back the Union soldiers until Union reinforcements surrounded the Confederate soldiers.General Lee surrendered which started the end of the war.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    After the surrender of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, President Abraham Lincoln was going to a play at Ford Theatre with his wife. There he was shot by a young actor John Wilkes Booth shot President Lincoln in the head and fled. He was later captured and killed. After this his vice-President Andrew Johnson became President.
  • Reconstruction

    The time after the Civil War when the United States was rebuilding itself. Three Constitutional rights were added that changed African Americans rights. The thirteenth abolished slavery, the fourteenth prohibited states from depriving any male citizen of equal protection under the law, and the fifteenth gave African Americans the right to vote. President Andrew Johnson was very lenient with the South and allowed them to decide how they wanted to treat African Americans.