• the battle of Bull Run/Manassas

    Cause: After the South had burnt Fort Sumter, The Union was their to fight back. The union left from the Federal Capitol in Washington D.C. and went to a river to fight the confederates know as the "Bull Run."
    Effect: The Confederacy won and the Union soon realized that this wouldn't be an easy War.
  • Siege of Fort Sumter

    Cause: Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard blasted Fort Sumter because it was part of their land and they wanted it. South Carolina didn't want to give it to them even though they were technically on Confederate land.
    Effect: Their was 34 hour firing causing Anderson to surrender Fort Sumter. This caused Confederate troops to watch over it for the next 4 years. Fort Sumter was restored after the Civil War.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Cause: This was Robert E. Lee's chance to invade the North. George McClelland wanted to be very cautious at this Battle, as it would be a huge role in history
    Effect: This was the Bloodiest one day battle in history. The confederates retreated. Lincoln wanted McClelland to ruin the confederates instead of letting them run away. The Union troops went ton Antietam in Washington D.C. to stop Lee and his army.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Cause: Lee tried to invade the north. they attacked from different sides so the Union would get demolished
    Effect: It was a 3 day battle. The confederacy was winning the first day, but then the Union troops were prepared for their attack, therefor they won that battle. This also led to Lee and his troops running away. The significance was that this battle made Grant want to end the war completely and put Total War on the Confederacy.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Cause: Lincoln was in the conflict with keeping the Union together or shutting down Slavery for good.
    Effect: He declared that all slaves in rebellious states would now be free.This led to an important turning point in the war to make the nation a battlefield for human freedom.
  • General Sherman's March to the Sea

    Cause: The March was to scare Georgia's population into abandoning the confederate cause.
    Effect: They captured Atlanta which was the industrial center of the Confederacy. After Atlanta was taken, the confederates marched west through Tennessee. Sherman split his group so they could attack the confederates in multiple places. George Thomas took 60,000 troops into Nashville and Sherman took 62,000 troops through Georgia to Atlanta and crushed everything to the Sea.
  • Lee's Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

    Cause: Lee surrenders himself and his troops and to give up on fighting against total war.
    Effect: The end of Total War and the end if the Civil War.