Civil war battle

timeline project

  • Civil War:Birth of Republican party

    Civil War:Birth of Republican party
    Republic opposed the extention of slavery. Partys first nominating convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Civil War:Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Civil War:Kansas-Nebraska Act
    A popular sovereignty to determine the slavery question in territories. Splits up the freedom countrys to the slavery countrys of the Louisiana Purchase
  • Civil War:The battle of Vicksburg

    Civil War:The battle of Vicksburg
    This was the culmination of one of the most brilliant military campaigns of the war that made freedom. A battle that took weeks to end until the southern genral gave up.
  • Reconstruction:Black codes

    Reconstruction:Black codes
    New Southern state governments with former Confederate leaders "Black Codes". These codes represent trying to restricting the rights of freedom
  • Reconstruction: Ku Klux Klan

    Reconstruction: Ku Klux Klan
    a goup of people like to terrorize Africans americans off there home land. this group was created in the state of Tennessee
  • Gilded Age:Grand Elected President

    Gilded Age:Grand Elected President
    Ulysses S. Grant was a solder who served in the civil war in july 25 1866. Now he's the 18th president of the U.S. and supported the 15th amendment.
  • Gilded Age:Panic of 1873

    Gilded Age:Panic of 1873
    Was a financial crisis that triggered a depression in Europe and North America that lasted from 1873 until 1879. Was also known as the "Great Depression" in other words.
  • Industrialization:Social Darwinism

    Industrialization:Social Darwinism
    This evnt made the public health Act,its a goverment program to make sure the homeless and the lower class had a chance to work and prove them self. it was also known as the "survival of the fittest" theory.
  • Reconstruction:Jim Crow Laws

    Reconstruction:Jim Crow Laws
    The creator of the the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments gave black americans freedom. It was also laws the the southeners had to agree on as well.
  • Gilded age:Timezones

    Gilded age:Timezones
    This when railroad companies had to make new timezones of each location of a pick up or drop off at. Due to the fact of the frenzy of railroads leading into diffrent locations, they needed to set up time in a orderly way.
  • Imperialism:U.S.S

    Exploded in Havana Harbor as the yellow journalists blamed Spain.President Mckinley gave in popular pressure and asked Congress for a declaration of war on Spain
  • Industrialization:Homestead Strike

    Industrialization:Homestead Strike
    Also known as the Homestead Steel Strike, the union and locked out workers from Homestead Steelworks when they failed to negotiate new contract.
  • Imperialism:Hawaii

    After the battle of spain, congress aproved the annexation of Hawaii. With that the Pacific Ocean was ctured with the United States as well
  • Industrialization:Pullman Strike

    Industrialization:Pullman Strike
    The Pullman Strike was a nationwide railroad strike in the United States. The strike was caused by the low wages of the workes, soon President Cleveland tent in federal troops to end the strike.
  • Imperialism:Cuba

    When U.S. military bases where built in Cuba due to that Cuba becoming an American protectorate. Platt Amendment gave the U.S. the right to intervene in Cuba affairs at any time.
  • World War 1:Trench Warfare

    World War 1:Trench Warfare
    The use of machine guns led to dig in treches. Separated both sides from no mans land, barbed wire, and mines
  • World War 1:Airplanes

    World War 1:Airplanes
    Used for dog fights and reconnaissance. They did not play major part of war, but the up coming wars they did.
  • World War 1:Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    World War 1:Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    Germany declared war a submarine warfare on the Allies of the United States. Due to the sinking of U.S. ships, U.S. declard war on gemany
  • Roaring 20's:Red Scare

    Roaring 20's:Red Scare
    The series of strikes and random bombings by anarchists led many Americans to fear a Communist. The event was the triumph of Bolshevism in Russia.
  • Roaring 20's:19th Amendment

    Roaring 20's:19th Amendment
    Gave the american women the right to vote in there country. Had increased opportunities in employment and education for woman.
  • Roaring 20's: Sacco and Vanzetti

    Roaring 20's: Sacco and Vanzetti
    Two men who were convicted of murdering two men during the armed robbery of a shoe factory in Northampton in 1920. They both died in 1927 on the electric chair for what they think of there action.
  • The Great Depression:Black Tuesday

    The Great Depression:Black Tuesday
    To much stock were crashed on the market and prices dropped. Stock prices dropped sudddenly and everyone was trying to sell but no one wanted to buy.
  • The Great Depression:Bank holiday

    The Great Depression:Bank holiday
    To prevent bank runs, allow federal inspections, and renew public confidence in bank. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporartion insured all bank deposits.
  • The Great Depression:Social Security Act

    The Great Depression:Social Security Act
    Was the most important and long-lasting achievemanet to the New Deal. It created a safety net for Americansin the event of another Depression.
  • World War 2:Fall of France

    World War 2:Fall of France
    Germany attacked Denmark and Norway and marched through Holland and Belgium to defeat France. The British expeditionary force escaped at Dunkirk by sailing across the English Channel.
  • World War 2:War Production Board

    World War 2:War Production Board
    It was placed in wartime production in factories making tanks, Liberty Ships,and other War time goods. Essential goods like steel, copper, and aluminum were reserved for military purposes.
  • World War 2:Battle of the Coral Sea

    World War 2:Battle of the Coral Sea
    was a major naval battle in the Pacific Theater of World War II between the Imperial Japanese Navy and naval and air forces. The war went on for four days inthe Pacific ocean.
  • Cold War:Truman Doctrine

    Cold War:Truman Doctrine
    He announced that the United States would provide assistance to free peoples resisting Communism. Even military and economic assistance to Turkey and Greece.
  • Cold War:The "Fall" of China

    Cold War:The "Fall" of China
    China was taken over by Communist forces led by Mao Zedong as he declared the people's Republic of China. The United States refused to recognize the Communist government of China.
  • Cold War:The Korean War

    Cold War:The Korean War
    North Korea have claimed war against South Korea for conquest to take over there land. Whiles the U.N. Security wanted to help out with South korea, North Korea brought China into the war as well
  • Civil Rights Movement:Segregation

    Civil Rights Movement:Segregation
    When schools were separated in two different type of racial colors but equal. Yet again there were schools that were desegregated but still would not let colored students to attend in it
  • Civil Rights Movement:Sit-Ins

    Civil Rights Movement:Sit-Ins
    First started when black and white students of an school do a protest in a white only section as they refuse to move. The total was 30 states of this Sit-Ins protests as it was known as the Freedom Riders.
  • Vietnam War:Search and Destroy

    Vietnam War:Search and Destroy
    A tactic to raid a village and find there target as they take them down. the worst things about this tactic is that a numberous of civilians die and has no reason to get involve in it.
  • Civil Rights Movement:Black Panther Party

    Civil Rights Movement:Black Panther Party
    It was formed by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton to protect black neighborhoods in Oakland, California. There called arming of African Americans but also implemented social programs.
  • Vietnam War:Vietnamization

    Vietnam War:Vietnamization
    When Nixon was elected President, he replaced American troops with Vietnamese. Yet he also increased bombings in Vietnzm, Cambodia, and Laos.
  • Vietnam War:War Powers Act

    Vietnam War:War Powers Act
    Limiting the President's power to commit troops overseas without Congressional approval. It wasnone the less resisted or ignored by subsequent presidents.