~Civil War~

  • Formation of the Confederate States

    Formation of the Confederate States
    The confederate states were formed by South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. They were all slave holding states. Their Agriculture, cotton, and plantation system formed their economy that depended on slave labor. They began to secede after the election of Lincoln in 1860. These states disagreed with the idea of not allowing slavery in the newer territories.
  • The Allegheny Arsenal Explosion

    The Allegheny Arsenal Explosion
    The Allegheny is in Lawrenceville and is an important supplying and manufacturing center for the Union Army during the Civil war. The explosion of the Arsenal was heard in Pittsburg which is over two miles away. About 78 workers were killed and 54 of the bodies were unidentified after the explosion. The explosion was then overshadowed by the battle of Antietam, that had occurred the same day
  • Battle of Chattanooga, Tennesee

    Battle of Chattanooga, Tennesee
    The Battle of Chattanooga was also known as the Chattanooga campaign, since it was a series of battles during the civil war. Generals Ulysses Grant and Braxton Bragg were the commanding generals of the Campaign. These series of battles, resulted in a victory of the union.
  • Period: to

    Red River Campaign

    The Red River Campaign was a series of battles that were fought among the Red River in Louisiana. It was the Unions' idea of this event, but the outcome became a victory for the Confederates because of poor leadership and poor planning. The union had about 30,000 troops while the Confederates had between 6,000 to 15,000, and even well less than half of the troops the union had, the Confederate states won strongly.
  • The Assassination of Abe Lincoln

    The Assassination of Abe Lincoln
    The 16th president, Abe Lincoln, was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth while watching a play at Ford's Theater, in Washington D.C. Abraham Lincoln was the very first president to be assassinated. It is said that John Wilkes Booth's plan was to revive the confederates by eliminating the 3 strongest officials in U.S. government. Booth was then killed after a 12 day manhunt, and other people who were supposedly involved were hung.