
Civil Rights Timeline

  • JFK Birth

    JFK Birth
    In1917 JFK was born into a wealthy family that had political ties to it
  • MLK birth

    MLK birth
    MLK was born on January 15 1929, in Atlanta Georgia
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    In 1943 Evers was drafted in to the U.S. army
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    In 1952 Evers got a job as a insurance salesman
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    After the killing of Emmitt Till in 1955, Evers and other NAACP official testifyed against Tills murderers
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks refusedd to give up her seat to a whiteman on the bus on her way home from work.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    When Rosa refused to give up her seat on the bus it started a boycott. MLk actually led the boycott
  • Martin Luther King

    Martin Luther King
    Martin Luther King Jr.s house was bombed while he was at a press conference
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    In Febuary 1957 Medgar Evers attended a meeting and was elected assitant secretary of the SCLC
  • JFK

    John F. Kennedy recieved support from black voters in the 1960 election
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    Spring of 1963, mass demonstrations and rallies to protest against Jackson because of his racial problems
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    June 12th 1963 Evers was assassinated
  • JFK

    On June 1963, he committed all of his powers of his office to have equal rights
  • JFk

    November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was killed by assassains bullet
  • MLK

    Martin Luther King JR. was shot and killed by a sniper in a hotel in Memphis, Tennessee
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    NAACP awarded Rosa in 1979 with the Spingarm medal by the National Association of colored people
  • Rosa Park

    Rosa Park
    Rosa Parks dies