Civil Rights

  • Discrimination Began

    African Americans faces discrimination and prejudice everywhere in the US
  • school segregation

    21 states with segregated schools in the US
  • 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing

    a bomb exploded outside the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church killing four African American girls attending sunday school
  • Civil Rights Act of 1954

    banned segregation in public facilities, discrimination in employment based on a person's race, gender, religion, or nationality
  • School Segregation Ended

    Supreme Court announced its decision to end school segregation "with all deliberate speed"
  • Rosa Parks' Arrest

    Rosa Parks was arested for not giving up her seat on a bus to a white man
  • Crisis in Little Rock

    a federal judge ordered public schools in Little Rock, Arkansas to begin desegregation but then Orval Faubus vowed to resist the order
  • Malcolm X

    The NAtion of Islam's most effective leader, urged Blacks to be proud of their blackness and their African roots
  • Greensboro Lunch Counter Sit In

    lost 1/3 of its business and desegregated all of its restaurants
  • Dr.King's Assassination

    King was shot in Memphis, Tennessee by a white man, James Earl Ray