Brown Vs. Board of education
Father of a black daughter; sewed school 'cause they would not accept her due to race. -
Forced Busing
Students were transported to schools for desegregation of schools. -
Rosa Parks
Rosa parks refused to give up her seat on the bus; to a white person. -
Period: to
Montgomery bus boycott
Blacks refused to take the bus, in order to make a point. -
Desegregation of buses
Blacks and whites are now allowed to share the bus. -
National Guard in Arkansas
Governor Orval Faubus calls out the Arkansas National Guard to prevent black students from going to school -
Sit in at woolworths
Students staged a sit in because they were refused service for being black -
Freedom bus burning
Freedom bus was burnt down by racist southerners. -
Letter from Birmingham Jail
Martin Luther King Jr. writes a letter from a jail in Birhingham, Alabama. Gains support for civil rights. -
March in Washington D.C.
Martin Luther King Jr. gives out his famous "I have a dream" speech. -
John F. Kennedy assassinated
John F.K. was assassinated during a march. He made the civil rights bill. -
Lydon B. Johnson
Vice president takes over as president after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. -
Malcom X
Malcom X was assassinated. -
Civil rights bill
Civil rights bill passed still a lot of segregation. -
Voting rights
Voting rights act passed -
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. assassinted.