cieri makaylaesquilin

  • jamestown

    it was the first permanent english settlement.
  • mayflower

    pilgrams came over on the mayflower compact from britain.
  • declartion of independence

    the 13 colonies wanted independence from king George the third. So they had to fight for it.
  • constitution

    Was written so they can have a strong government.
  • bill of rights

    the first ten amendments of the constitution. Needed it because they thought the goverment had to much power
  • marbury vs. madison

    first supreme court case that used the judical reiew
  • louisiana purchase

    Thomas Jefferson bought louisiana and made the Unites States two times bigger.
  • california gold rush

    Everyone fled to California because of the gold but not many found anything.
  • Period: to

    civil war

    was a war about ending slavery.