cieri kaitlyn stone

  • jamestown

    first perminent english settlement.
  • mayflower

    a ship that landed in the wrong place and it let what was soon to be the u.s. make their first own set of rules.
  • Period: to

    revolutionary war

    war ageinst brittan to gain our independence.
  • declaration of independence

    we declared our independence from britten.
  • constitutoun

    the u.s. constitution was written.
  • bill of rights

    bill of rights was added to the constitution.
  • marbury vs madison

    first judicial review supreme court case.
  • lousiana purchuse

    we doubled our size.
  • war of 1812

    war with britten proving the nation can defend itself ageinst one of the strongest nations.
  • treaty of ghent

    the end of the war of 1812.
  • california gold rush

    everyone rushed to california because of gold.
  • Period: to

    civil war

    war between the nourth and the south.