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    birth of jesus

    Jesus was born in a place called Bethlehem of judea, about 6 miles from Jerusalem. 4 BC
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    beginning of jesus ministary

    this is the year jesus started to preach or start his ministry AD 27
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    when jesus dies

    jesus was crucified during the 1st century AD. he died for our sins.
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    spread of christianity to east of euphrates

    But to the east of Euphrates, at the time when Rome was at the zenith of its power, there existed also the Persian empire, which extended to and included part of North India. In this vast empire and beyond it up to China, Christianity spread rapidly. There were Christian communities in Persia, Central Asia, Tibet, China, Arabia, India and Ceylon in the early centuries. Before the sixteenth century, there were Christians in several of the South East and East Asian countries. [ 1st century]
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    christianity in rome

    Paul would teach a few and set up a church and move on.in he was teaching non-jews and jew. many people were coming to pauls preaching in the year [64AD].
  • Period: Mar 5, 1450 to


    the bible has no specific date when it was first made. but 1450 was the first bible to be printed. which cause the spread of christianity by making it easier for people to get.
  • spread to north america

    In 1600, with the first colonists of Mayflower, all strongly bigots
  • christianity spread to china

    Olopun’s arrival in the capital of China during the Tang Dynasty, Chang An (today’s Xi’an) in 635 A.D. It further states that the Gospel was translated in the imperial library and presented to the Emperor Taizong, who issued an imperial proclamation that says “having examined the principles of this religion, we find them to be purely excellent and natural…it is beneficial to all creatures, it is advantageous to mankind. Let it be published throughout the empire. [ 781 AD]