Chinese immigration to NZ

  • Gaming act outlawed puckapoo and fan-tan two chinese games of chance

  • Immigration Restrication Act which along with excluding criminals, the insane and people with infectious diseases also excluded chinese.

  • shops and offices act stated that only British subjects could decide on the opening hours of shops and offices in each district

  • English Reading test for 'Aliens' which included chinese.

  • Chinese prevented from becoming naturalised-citizens.

  • Factories act limited the hours that laundries employing more than two people could be open. This affected chinese laundries as most of them employed more than two workers.

  • Amendment to the shops and office act staed that all people working in fruit shops apart from the owner and his/her spouse had to be paid the basic wage.This stopped chinese fruiteres from using their childreb as unpaid workers.

  • war refugees,including allowed to come on a temporary basis. Tax on chinese abolished

  • English language test and the linking of the residency with tax payments once again restricted the numbers of chinese who were able to qualify as immigrants

  • Immigration review permitted chinese with professional qualifications to come to New Zealand

  • The old age pensions act excluded naturalised chinese.

  • Business immigration policy selected immigrants on their personal qualities and not on their race