Chinese exclusion act hero ab

Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Act Passed

    Act Passed
    Chinese Exclusion Act is passed for first time
  • Racial Discrimination

    Supreme Court rules that laws enforced with racial discrimination go against the 14th amendment
  • The Scott Act

    The Scott Act is passed to bar Chinese laborers from returning to the States after travels
  • 1892 Law Extended

    Act is extended another ten years and all Chinese must carry permits
  • The Geary Act

    The Geary Act
    The Geary Act is passed and requires Chinese tresidents to carry permits.
  • Supreme Court Rule

    It is ruled that Congress could expel the Chinese
  • Indefinite Act

    The Chinese Exclusion is passed indefinitely
  • Arrest

    250 illegal Chinese Immigrants are arrested without search warrants.
  • The Immigration Act Passed

    The Immigration Act widened the range of people banned from the U.S
  • Chinese Exclusion Act Repeal

    Chinese can obtain citizenship in the United States