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    Treaty of Versailles

    The teaty is a list of rules and regulations given to Germany after WW1 to make sure they would not start another war. But it did the exact opposite; because all of Germany's punishments were very harsh it made them angry and want revenge. Also they were so far in debt they would elect anyone who promised to bring them out of it, which turned out to be hitler
  • Germany Leaves the League of Nations

    The LON was a group of countries that formed an alliance to maintain world peace. Germany left because they wanted to build up their army. This lead to the war because Germany was already showing signs of becoming a major theat but no one chose to stop them
  • The Night of the long knives

    The night of the long knives was a month long purge where the Nazi's committed a series of murders. This lead to the war because it took out anyone who would have had the power to take down hitler. After this month Hitler had complete control of Germany.
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    The invasion of the Rhinelands

    Hitler ordered German troops to invade the Rhieland which was against the treaty of Versailles. This lead to the war because Britain and France did nothing to stop it but eventually they got fed up and declaired war
  • Nazi-Soviet Alliance

    Hitler and Stalin signed a non-aggression pact which Hitler broke later on when he invaded the Soviet Union. This alliance was dangerous because both leaders had extreme views about how the world should be run