Characters Journey Comparison

  • Period: Jul 1, 1256 to Aug 1, 1257

    The Rise of the Inheritor

    This showcases Malachi, Roy, and Jasper's groups in comparison to each other over the span of a year
  • Jul 2, 1256

    Jasper and Roy, Beginning of Part 1

    Jasper and Roy, Beginning of Part 1
    This is where Jasper and Roy start at the same time. The wedding occurs, and we see events from both perspectives. We see Roy fighting against some Rebels who interrupt the wedding, and get an idea of the current civil war, and the political crises.
  • Jul 8, 1256

    Malachi's Beginning

    Malachi's Beginning
    We see things from Malachi's perspective. This is where his journey begins, where he gets the vision of The Inheritor. The Vargar God Fenrir tells him to find the Spear of Fenrir, a weapon in the deep south of the Vargar Kingdom. He will bring it to the Inheritor, and guide them along the path of victory. Malachi asks why he, an elf, was chosen for such a mission. He also asks who the Inheritor even is. Fenrir ignores the questions, reminds him of his divine duties, and departs.
  • Jul 9, 1256

    The Attack on Moon City

    The Attack on Moon City
    This is where Jasper's sole adventure really begins. The Iron Kingdom invades and attacks her city. Her father and mentor are killed, and she escapes. Her power awakens, and she is captured.
  • Jul 11, 1256

    Jasper's a Hostage

    Jasper's a Hostage
    Jasper has been taken prisoner, and wakes up two days after capture. She is told of her Inheritor Power, and what it means by the enemy general and his sorcerer. The sorcerer attempts to brainwash her to their side, engaging in some mind-breaking spells to turn her against her people. It fails, and the general considers having her killed. The sorcerer asks to just give him time.
  • Jul 12, 1256

    Roy hears the News

    Roy hears the News
    Three days after the attack, word spreads to Roy of what has happened. He is struk with grief, and vows to go out and find Jasper. Fang takes his place, and heads to find his imprisoned sister.
  • Jul 13, 1256

    The War in the North

    The War in the North
    Back to Malachi, the war in the North begins. The Ally of the Iron Kingdom, the Confederation of Sorcerers, attacks the Northern Empire. Malachi is called with the rest of the Mystic Council to defend the lands. He hesitantly refuses and explains his vision and newly given duty. He is scolded for this, and exiled, told not to come back until he has proven his vision. Malachi's real Journey has begun.
  • Jul 16, 1256

    Fang's Mission

    Fang's Mission
    Here we see a short of Fang capturing a squadron patrol of the enemy invaders. He is incredibly brutal, even torturing the sole survivor (the officer) to get Jasper's location. This is a good look into Fang abilities as a warrior, and total loyalty to Roy and the Thyrius Family. He gets the location, and does spare the officer, showing at least some mercy.
  • Jul 18, 1256

    Jasper is Freed

    Jasper is Freed
    Jasper has now endured a week of mental brainwashing, but has held strong. During this time, a quiet voice has been encouraging her to stay strong, protecting her from total despair. It has also been helping her slowly unlock a whisper of that power she has. She uses it to override the magical stunting chains, and break out. She is nearly captured before Fang breaks in and rescues her. They are both almost captured again, until The Black Knight saves them both. They all flee on her Wyrmling.
  • Jul 19, 1256

    The Black Knight

    The Black Knight
    Jasper recovers for an entire day, and wakes up with Fang and The Black Knight. The Black Knight explains herself, and how she wants to help Jasper recognize her true potential as an Inheritor, to defeat the demon lord manifesting in the enemy general. Though weary, Jasper ultimately agrees, and Fang does as well. He goes back to tell Roy about the situation, and Jasper leaves with the Knight. Though clearly, she is scared and uncertain about all of this.
  • Jul 22, 1256

    Roy Learns The Truth

    Roy Learns The Truth
    Fang returns to Roy and explains everything that is going on. Perhaps here we see Roy preparing for battle or talking to a uncooperative noble, whatever one works. Roy is distraught by the news, but ultimately happy Jasper is alive. He is extremely doubtful of Jasper's "Inheritor Powers", but Fang points out that The Black Knight is a local legend among the Vargars, one who does not mess around (this could be foreshadowed earlier). Roy understands and accepts this, but he is clearly not happy.
  • Jul 23, 1256

    The Knight tests Jasper

    The Knight tests Jasper
    The Black Knight takes Jasper to a small, uninhabited island to test her. It is harsh and grueling, and makes Jasper question everything and everyone. Ultimately, the Knight is seeing if Jasper is truly ready for the training and responsibilities she is about to be given. Jasper nearly breaks, but ultimately, pulls through and proves her worthiness to the knight, transforming to her Inheritor State for a short amount of time, before it ends. The Knight is satisfied, and lets Jasper sleep.
  • Jul 27, 1256

    Malachi Departs from the North

    Malachi Departs from the North
    Malachi is distraught and exhausted. He is about to leave on a smuggler vessel with an old elven contact, Captain Galena. He is clearly doubtful and upset, not wanting to leave his people behind to fight a war on their own. His students, Noa and Fulgrim, show up. He is surprised by their arrival, and they vow to go with him, saying they believe him. Their loyalty and trust is enough to nearly bring him to tears. He thanks them both, and departs with them by his side.
  • Jul 31, 1256

    The Heroes Trials, End of Part One

    Not sure how this will work out, but essentially, we see the three heroes all on their paths. Roy is about ready to fight a battle against the enemy invaders. Malachi is aboard the vessel, trying not to get sea sick on his journey. Jasper is back with the Knight, sparring on the island. Maybe we could see this from a god's perspective (definitely Fenrir, the Vargar God, and Jasper's Inheritor source). He hums, and says "the fate of our people is in their hands now".
  • Aug 23, 1256

    New Stage of Training, Beginning of Part 2

    New Stage of Training, Beginning of Part 2
    We see Jasper alone on the island, preparing a meal for herself. She is attacked by the knight or animals, and repels her/them. When she's finished, the knight compliments her progress (one way or the other). She explains to Jasper that she's ready for the REAL training. She will take her to the Dragonborn Kingdom, to find the King who can help unlock her transformation, and also help her people against the invaders. Jasper understands, and they both depart.
  • Aug 28, 1256

    Roy's Dilemma

    Roy's Dilemma
    We see Roy arguing with another noble who absolutely refuses to give him any additional men, saying he will protect his people and city. Roy accuses him of only protecting himself, and the conversation ends. Roy goes into private with Anna, where the two talk things. Roy is then approached by a Capra diplomat, who explains they can only give him a few battalions, as they are suffering with their own problems. Roy says he will take what he can get, but he knows something more must be done.
  • Aug 30, 1256

    The Dragonborn Kingdom

    The Dragonborn Kingdom
    Jasper and The Black Knight make it to the Dragonborn Kingdom after a week of flight. Jasper is amazed by the sights, they meet the Prime Minister, who wearily guides them to the king. Jasper is in awe of Drako, and the two of them explain their situation, and Jasper's status. Drako requires proof. A duel commences with onlookers. Jasper transforms successfully, but like before, it burns out very fast, and is imperfect. Drako transforms too (not inheritor) and agrees to help with her training.
  • Sep 27, 1256

    Life on the Ship

    Life on the Ship
    Malachi is onboard the vessel. He's growing closer to the crew, trying to learn pirate/smuggler culture and whatnot. They reach an island checkpoint, but things break down between Galena and the island Lord. A fight almost breaks out, but Malachi, through charm and diplomacy, manages to cool everyone down, and offers a fair deal for them both. The lord begrudgingly agrees. Galena is shocked by this, and thanks Malachi for his aide, saying she underestimated him. He waves it off, and they leave.
  • Sep 29, 1256

    Jasper's New Friends

    Jasper's New Friends
    Jasper's training is going along with mixed results. Her spell ability has increased, but she's still unable to nail down her Inheritor Powers and transformation. She is also showing subtle infatuation for Drako. The Black Knight returns after some time away with a group of knights led by her son. They are the Black Riders, and are here to help Jasper out. They will assist in her training, be her friends, and take her on her first real combat mission.
  • Oct 1, 1256

    The Mysterious Ally

    The Mysterious Ally
    Roy meets Niko (who may have been introduced very early on in chapter one), The Head of the Golden Hoard, a prominent Bastet company. The Bastets have, up to this point, struggled to deliver the goods or weapons promised to the Vargars. Niko explains the corruption and political destabilization, and makes an offer. He will help convince the Bastets to deliver on the promise supplies, for a favor. Free trade in the Vargar territory. It is a tough promise, but Roy makes the deal.
  • Oct 4, 1256

    The First Mission

    The First Mission
    Jasper goes on a mission with her newfound group. It involves stopping a lowly sorcerer who's hijacked a Bastet trading port. Jasper gets a feel of the squad, realizing how well coordinated they are, and how much more practice on teamwork she needs. However, she does prove herself capable by taking on the head sorcerer on her own. She and Jace, the squad leader and The Black Knight's son, finish him off.
  • Oct 25, 1256


    Malachi's ship is attacked by a trio of pirate vessels. The group fights them off, which proves difficult thanks to the Dark Elf Assassins with them. Thanks to Malachi, Fulgrim, and Noa, they fight the pirates off and capture one of the assassins. They were hired to kill Malachi because he's the North strongest wizard, and he's currently alone. This troubles both Malachi and the crew, but Galena convinces them all to follow through. They have a job to do, and they'll do it no matter what.
  • Nov 1, 1256

    Drako's Debacle

    Drako's Debacle
    A month has passed since the first mission, and Jasper is growing closer to her friends. She is also developing a strong friendship with Drako. The Black Knight is trying to convince both Drako and the Dragonborn Prime Minister to bring aide to the Vargars. Both are conflicted, as their people have always maintained a stance of neutrality in the world's problems. But they realize that may no longer be an option anymore. The question is unresolved, and Jasper spends more time with Drako.
  • Nov 15, 1256

    A Ray of Hope

    A Ray of Hope
    Roy fights a massive battle against an oncoming force of enemy invaders. After months of defeat following defeat, he finally scores a much needed victory, driving the enemy back, and saving an entire village. The people sing his name of praise, along with Princess Anna, hoisting them as heroes. It is the first time in a while Roy has felt any hope. To make matters betters, a Rebel envoy approaches him, offering an olive branch. Though wary, Roy agrees to a meeting with their leader, Colonel Scar
  • Nov 21, 1256

    The Negotiation

    The Negotiation
    Roy meets with Colonel Scar. The colonel explains that the Iron Kingdom ambushed his main army, and nearly wiped them out. His men helping the invaders are doing out of fear. Roy says he should never have dealt with a tyrant. The colonel asks if they can come to an agreement, an alliance. Roy is conflicted. He knows the crown wouldn't agree. But this is too big an opportunity to miss. They sign, making an alliance. Roy sends a letter to the crown, praying it won't backfire.
  • Dec 1, 1256

    Malachi Arrives

    Malachi Arrives
    Malachi's ship finally makes it to the southern cost. Winter has come, and the port is frozen. To make matters worse, it is occupied by the Iron Kingdom's Navy. Malachi bids Galena and the other crew farewell, and departs with Fulgrim and Noa. They leave on a small paddle boat, and use magic to hide from the enemy navy. This is a sneaking chapter, as they have to sneak past enemy forces. They are eventually found out at the end. They quickly fight there way out, stealing horses and riding off.
  • Dec 15, 1256

    A New Threat

    A New Threat
    Jasper and the squad have completed their second mission. Jasper grows in power, and bonds with her friends. She's improve over four months. When they return, there is fear. The Black Knight is out on a mission. Drako and the Prime Minister reveal intel that patrol ships of unknown origin have been spotted near their waters. Jasper asks who it is. They do not know, but they are on full alert. Jasper speaks with Jace, and trains more with Drako. She is anxious, as is he. They discuss their fears.
  • Dec 31, 1256

    The Prince and the Wizard

    The Prince and the Wizard
    After a month of searching, Malachi finds Roy. Roy is caught up in a losing battle. Malachi, Noa, and Fulgrim show up and help turn the tides of the battle, hiding their identities. They meet Roy in private. Malachi asks where he can find the Spear of Fenris. He explains his divine mission to Roy, who just witnessed his power. He believes Malachi, and gives him invitation to the Capital City, but says they may not let him in with that alone. Malachi thanks him regardless, and they depart.
  • Jan 15, 1257

    The Dragonborn Siege, Beginning of Act 3 (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 1)

    The Dragonborn Siege, Beginning of Act 3 (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 1)
    Jasper is with her squad and Drako. A month has passed since the potential threat. The attack occurs. An entire fleet of new, Ironclad ships shows up and absolutely decimates the Dragonborn navy. A force goes out to meet them, but are driven back. The navy lands at the main harbor, and carves a bloody path into the city. Jasper runs out to start helping people. Drako tells her to wait. The squad runs ahead, saying they'll watch her. Drako is impressed by Jasper, and begins to mobilizes his army.
  • Period: Jan 15, 1257 to Jan 21, 1257

    The Heroes Struggle

    Jasper and Malachi's roadblocks (THIS CAN ALL HAPPEN IN ONE DAY IF NEEDED)
  • Jan 16, 1257

    The Heist (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 2)

    The Heist (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 2)
    Malachi, Noa, and Fulgrim have reached the capital city, and have been turned away, even with Roy's seal of approval. So, they break in. It is a tough call to make, but they make it. They get to the tomb and grab the spear without being caught, but as soon as they grab the relic, the kingdom security is alerted. They will now have to fight there way through royal guards, the best magicians, and even the princes and king himself.
  • Jan 17, 1257

    The New Mission (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 3)

    The New Mission (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 3)
    A day has passed since the Siege on the Dragonborn Coastal Capital began. Jasper and her squad have been fighting on the streets, helping Dragonborn Citizens to safety. They get word that General Cyphus, the demon lord, is part of the invasion. Jasper forms an idea. She and the others will sneak around the enemy camp and take him out. This is her chance, it seems, to take out the coming demon lord before he manifests. The others are hesitant, but Jace encourages them to go forward with it.
  • Jan 18, 1257

    On The Run (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 4)

    On The Run (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 4)
    Malachi, Noa, and Fulgrim are on the run. They are fleeing through the tombs and royal palace, evading guards at every turn. Things are getting heated, and they're running out of resources and energy. They decide on a plan to break out, one final, heavy push. Malachi explains that they will split up. The two of them will escape through the less guarded areas, while he will create a diversion. They will all have a wrapped staff, but only Noa will have the real one. They agree on the plan.
  • Jan 19, 1257

    The Wrath of General Cyphus (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 5)

    The Wrath of General Cyphus (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 5)
    Jasper and the squad get to the enemy encampment, but are interrupted as Gideon spots them. Cyphus and Gideon fight the group alone. Everyone is knocked down besides Jasper and Jace, who fight against Cyphus, and lose. Drako shows up and saves Jasper, but it's clear they're too much for him. The Black Knight shows up with a strong force of Wyrmling Rider Knights. She nearly kills Cyphus, until Gideon holds Jace hostage. The villains flee with their navy and Jace as hostage. Jasper passes out.
  • Jan 20, 1257

    Malachi, The Horned Wizard (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 6)

    Malachi, The Horned Wizard (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 6)
    Malachi fights every royal guard and the Vargar king. The fighting stops as the princes show up with Noa and Fulgrim as hostages. They tell Malachi to give up. He begs them to believe in his mission. They ignore him. Malachi realizes he has no choice. He uses his ultimate spell, Psychic Unbounding, to save his pupils, get the spear, and fly off. Before he is shot down, Fenrir appears for just a moment. He tells the Vargars to stand down, giving Malachi the time he needs to flee.
  • Jan 21, 1257

    Jasper's Lament (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 7)

    Jasper's Lament (The Heroes Struggle, pt. 7)
    Jasper awakes in a bed, bruised and beaten. Drako is at her side, overjoyed she's awake. The Knight is there too, and explains what happened. Jasper is in tears over Jace, and is filled with regret. The Black Knight says it wasn't her fault, and that Jace is a strong lad who can look after himself. She leaves her and Drako. Jasper, seeing how much she worried the king, and how close she came to death, confesses her feelings for him. He's shocked, but resonates with her. They kiss at last.
  • Jan 28, 1257

    The False Accusation

    The False Accusation
    Word of the heist gets back to Roy. He laughs, calling Malachi a madman. However, the mood sours when the letters contains a decree by the king for his arrest. He's been found guilty of aiding Malachi, for inviting him to the capital. Princess Anna and Fang beg him not to go, but Roy capitulates. He gives total command to Anna. She pleads with him again, but he cuts her off with a kiss, smiles, and bids her farewell. He leaves alone on horseback.
  • Feb 1, 1257

    A Sad Revelation

    A Sad Revelation
    Malachi, Noa, and Fulgrim are back on a ship, on their way to the Dragonborn Kingdom. Malachi has been silent the whole time. His students approach him, and ask him what's wrong. They praise him for that incredible spell. Malachi shakes his head. He said that spell is forbidden. By using it, he has broken his oath, and exiled himself from the Mystic Order forever. Noa and Fulgrim are saddened and outraged. But Malachi hugs them, tears in his eyes, and tells them to be better than that.
  • Feb 2, 1257

    Ship Prisoner

    Ship Prisoner
    We see Jace's perspective aboard an enemy ship. It's been two whole weeks, but Malachi and Cyphus finally approach him. They begin probing for questions on The Black Knight, asking about her weaknesses outside of her son. Jace admits that he does not know. He then says, glee in his eyes, that it is Jasper they should fear, and she will defeat them all. Cyphus scoffs at this, and asks if torture is needed. Gideon shakes his head, saying there is no dishonesty in the boys eyes. They leave him be.
  • Feb 4, 1257

    The Botched Trial

    The Botched Trial
    Roy reaches the capital, and is instantly arrested. He's pulled before a jury to explain his actions. He tells them everything. He never condoned Malachi's heist, nor did he play any part. He believed in the man's story, because he believes in his sister, and The Black Knight. They are outraged, but clearly, some in the crowd are very conflicted. Roy says he heard of Fenrir's appearance, and wonders if they are comfortable in their faith. They say they deemed it a trick, and toss him in jail.
  • May 1, 1257

    A Knight's Goodwill, Beginning of Act 4

    A Knight's Goodwill, Beginning of Act 4
    Malachi, Noa, and Fulgrim have spent three whole months travelling from port to port, disguised, looking for anyone who will take them to the Dragonborn Kingdom. Finally, a Wyrmling Rider Knight confronts them, saying he's been looking for them. He says the Black Knight sent him looking when word spread of Malachi's heist. He blushes at her mention, and thanks the knight for his hospitality. The knight can only take one person. Noa and Fulgrim stay behind.
  • May 8, 1257

    Growing Doubt

    Growing Doubt
    Jasper and Drako are training together, alone. The Black Knight and her squad are gone, spread out looking for Jace. Jasper has improved dramatically over three months. She and Drako finish up, and share a kiss near the end of the training. A guard interrupts and says they have a visitor. It is Malachi. He explains himself, and offers the spear to Jasper. She refuses it, much to Malachi's shock. Drako is disappointed, but he asks Malachi to understand. She is suffering from doubt.
  • May 15, 1257

    The Rescue

    The Rescue
    We see Jace aboard the prison vessel. His eyes pop open, and he smiles. A guard tells him to stop smiling. Jace thanks him for his hospitality, and then breaks out of his chains. He fights his way through the ship, and reaches the deck, where he's outnumbered. Just then, The Black Knight and his squad show up and torch the deck. He jumps up onto his Mom's Wyrmling and they ride off. His mom's says he better have been listening in. He smiles and tells her not to worry.
  • May 20, 1257

    A Prince in Chains

    A Prince in Chains
    We cut to Roy, who's beaten and weak in a dark chamber. The princes come by and demand him to plead guilty. Roy refuses. They are about to start another beating, until the queen interrupts and dismisses them. She apologizes for her sons behavior, and says he doesn't deserve any of this. Roy asks about the outside world. She gives him the news. Anna and Fang are alive, but the war is being lost. Roy sighs and closes his eyes as she patches his wounds. He makes a silent prayer for Jasper.
  • May 22, 1257

    The Bad News (Jasper's Return, pt. 1)

    The Bad News (Jasper's Return, pt. 1)
    The Black Knight and Jace return to the capital. Jasper is overjoyed to see Jace. She hugs him, tears in her eyes. The Black Knight reconvenes with Malachi, who's been waiting around. It's pretty clear he's her lover, and Jace's father. Jace is very happy to seem him as well, and the two embrace. The Black Knight learns of the spear, and asks why Jasper hasn't accepted it. She learns why, and tells her student the bad news of Roy's capture as a way to help motivate her.
  • May 22, 1257

    Reignition (Jasper's Return, pt. 3)

    Reignition (Jasper's Return, pt. 3)
    Jasper points out that this form is not her true power, which both the Knight and Drako agree. Her third and true form, she must unlock on her own. She apologizes to them all for her lack of faith. But first, she says they must rescue Roy. They need a Vargar general they can trust, and her brother deserves it. The group agrees, and begin coming up with a plan.
  • May 22, 1257

    Reunited Spear (Jasper's Return, pt. 2)

    Reunited Spear (Jasper's Return, pt. 2)
    Jasper demands to know how this happened. The knight explains everything, and Malachi admits it may have been partly his fault. Jace gives news of General Cyphus, and how next time they meet him, he will be truly immortal as the first awakened demon lord. This means ONLY Jasper will be able to kill him. The Knight, Drako, Malachi, and Jace all give her the encouragement she needs to move on from her failures. With an ignited resolve, she takes the spear, and transforms into her second form.
  • Jun 10, 1257

    The Prince's Angels

    The Prince's Angels
    Roy is still locked away. This time, however, he gets some visitors. Jasper, Princess Anna, and Fang. The Queen snuck them all in. Roy breaks down in tears seeing his wife and little sister. Jasper explains the plan to him. Roy isn't so sure about exposing the royal family. Even after months of beatings, he points out that this may just lead to another civil war. Anna convinces him that they have to risk it. The royal family has never been so unpopular. He grumbles and concedes.
  • Jun 12, 1257

    The Royal Confrontation

    The Royal Confrontation
    The plan commences. Roy claims he will go to trial to confess. However, it’s a trap. Jasper comes disguised as a guard and reveals herself as the Inheritor, defending Roy. Her spear and body ignite with power as she transforms. The crowd is stunned. The king loses it and calls it a trick, demanding her arrest. None of the guards move. The youngest son pleads with his father that they were wrong, and gets hit for it. The Queen beats her husband, saying never to lay a hand on her children.
  • Jun 26, 1257

    The Reorganization

    The Reorganization
    The Queen has assumed full control over the monarchy. Corrupt nobles have been imprisoned, along with the king and her oldest son. It’s clear Roy and Anna are not entirely comfortable with this change, but they see it had to happen. Now, everyone is getting ready for the final attack on the capital, bound to occur in only a couple months. Jasper and Roy get time to reconvene. Neither are the same. A gap has grown between them. Talk is put down when Niko arrives.
  • Jun 27, 1257

    The Alliance, Beginning of Act 5

    The Alliance, Beginning of Act 5
    Niko has been pushing the Bastets to supply the Vargar war effort. Now he’s come saying he’s convinced them to provide military support. Drako offers the same from the Dragonborn, as the Iron Kingdom directly attacked them. Malachi proposes getting volunteers from the North, but this will be difficult. The Black Knight helps, saying her Knight volunteers and the Black Riders can start a recruitment campaign. Roy is thankful to all of them, saying he can never repay them for this.
  • Jul 1, 1257

    The Villains Mobilize

    The Villains Mobilize
    We see things from the villains perspective. Their forces gather. Gideon overlooks the armies alongside Cyphus. They attack in one month. When the capital falls, all main routes into the kingdom will be blocked off, and the Vargars will capitulate. Gideon warns Cyphus that the enemy have the Dragonborn now. He admits that they attacked too soon. Cyphus ignores this, saying nothing can stop him now anyway. Not even the Inheritor. Gideon is visibly annoyed by this comment, but holds his tongue.
  • Jul 15, 1257

    The Heroes Mobilize

    The Heroes Mobilize
    All the allies are coming together now. The Dragonborn and Bastet armies have arrived. Malachi has returned with all of his magician volunteers. Roy begins the preparations of the defense for the capital. Citizens are evacuated. Soldiers have less than a month left to finish their defenses. Roy and the rest of the commanders, including Anna, Fang, The Black Knight, and Drako, devise a plan of defense. They will rely heavily on their air support from the Dragonborn and Wyrmling Riders.
  • Jul 31, 1257

    Drako and Jasper Reconvention

    Drako and Jasper Reconvention
    It is a night before the attack. Drako and Jasper talk about their fears and doubts. More importantly, both are deeply concerned about losing the other, especially Jasper. They start kissing and getting intimate, but they keep themselves from consummating. Jasper admits that she wants to wait. She doesn't want to let fear grip her entirely. Drako understands and apologizes if he pushed her, but Jasper pays it no ill will. The two fall asleep in each other's arms.
  • Jul 31, 1257

    Roy and Anna Reconvention

    Roy and Anna Reconvention
    Roy and Anna have their night alone. Roy explains the burden on his shoulders, and how heavy it feels. He vows he will perish before the city falls. Anna hushes him, and promises neither he nor the city will perish. Roy shakes his head and says he is not invincible anymore. Anna chuckles and says she begs to differ. She comforts her husband, and the two make love before falling asleep.
  • Jul 31, 1257

    Malachi and The Black Knight Reconvention

    Malachi and The Black Knight Reconvention
    Malachi is outside of his tent, staring up into the stars, praying to all the gods. The Black Knight sneaks up and makes a snide comment. He chuckles, and admits that he missed having her around. It's clear they haven't spoken much since their "reunion". He calls her by name, Zera. They discuss their aging lives, their disagreements, their love for their son, and their struggles. Malachi dismisses himself, and Zera asks to join him for one last night. He smiles and kisses her passionately.
  • Aug 1, 1257

    The Battle Begins! (Final Battle pt. 1)

    The Battle Begins! (Final Battle pt. 1)
    The siege on the Capital begins, and goes very poorly for the Vargars. Their air support is utterly repelled by new anti-aircraft cannons. Now, they are relying heavily on the ground teams. It is a brutal, grueling battle of spells, arrows, tanks, and gunpowder. Roy starts to spring his traps, sending strike teams in platoons from every direction, surrounding the enemy. This seems to be working, until the Cyphus and Gideon get involved. Cyphus transforms into his demon form and causes havoc.
  • Aug 1, 1257

    The Wizard's Duel (Final Battle pt. 2)

    The Wizard's Duel (Final Battle pt. 2)
    Malachi engages Gideon as he unleashes hell on the allied forces. The two have a past with each other (as will be foreshadowed beforehand). Tornadoes spin and the skies storm as their duel commences in an epic battle. Noa and Fulgrim hop in to help, but Malachi orders them to stand down. It continues in Gideon's favor, until Malachi unleashes his Psychic Unbounding one more, and pummels Gideon. Gideon accuses him of hypocrisy, but Malachi deflects his insult, and knocks him out.
  • Aug 1, 1257

    The Royal Assault (Final Battle pt. 3)

    The Royal Assault (Final Battle pt. 3)
    Roy, Anna, Fang, The Queen, both her sons (the oldest has repented) and all the Royal Guard strike deep into the enemy lines. But they are not going after the tanks or infantry. They are targeting the artillery, more specifically, the anti-air cannons. Though they are successful, it is at great cost. Half the guard are wiped out, along with the Queen and her oldest son. Fang saves Anna's life, but loses an arm in the process. They are saved by the air support at the last moment.
  • Aug 1, 1257

    The Inheritor Rises (Final Battle pt. 5)

    The Inheritor Rises (Final Battle pt. 5)
    Jasper's True Form has taken possession, and she begins her final battle with Cyphus. It is a grueling slug fest, with god and demon putting everything into their attacks. Jasper realizes that even if she has the power to finish off the Demon, she may not have the ability or skill to get there. This changes once Malachi joins the fray for one last hit. This distraction gives Jasper just enough time to land the final blow. Cyphus falls dead. Gideon grimaces in disgust, and sneaks his way out.
  • Aug 1, 1257

    Cyphus, The Demon Lord (Final Battle pt. 4)

    Cyphus, The Demon Lord (Final Battle pt. 4)
    Jasper, The Black Knight, Jace's Squad, Drako, and Noa and Fulgrim (Malachi burned all his energy on Gideon) go up against Cyphus in his demonic state. It is a grueling fight, but miraculously nobody dies. However, everyone is slowly weeded down until only Jasper, The Black Knight, and Drako stand. The latter two are decommissioned, and Jasper stands alone. She has not reached her true form. Cyphus mocks her failure and nearly kills Drako. This enrages Jasper, and her true form explodes forth.
  • Period: Aug 1, 1257 to Aug 1, 1257

    The Final Battle

  • Aug 2, 1257

    Character Conclusions

    The Battle is over. The Allied forces are victorious. The Iron Kingdom withdraws entirely and calls for an armistice. Characters get there time to reconvene and heal. Malachi will journey with The Black Knight to find the rest of the Inheritors. Noa and Fulgrim go with them. Talk breaks out of crowning Roy and Anna. Jasper and her squad go back with Drako to the Dragonborn Kingdom. Despite the rest, it’s clear everyone recognizes this conflict is far from over.
  • Aug 7, 1257


    Gideon is back home at the Iron Kingdom. The king is furious with his failure, but Gideon defends himself, saying they made too many enemies too quickly. There is still a war to be won. The king and prince dismiss themselves, and Gideon speaks with a new voice through magic. It is clearly some kind of supremely powerful demonic entity. Gideon explains everything, and how they now know the gods are still strong. The voice says Cyphus was only the beginning. They have better candidates waiting.