Chapter 8-9

  • Firdt Continental

    calls for abolition of slavery
  • Second Continental Congress

    met in Philadelphia in 1775 to see if they can appeal and come to a compromise with the king and Parliament
  • Bunker hill

    colonists seizd a hill
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Petition sent to Britain professing their loyalty to the king and begging the king to prevent further hostilities
  • Long Island

    Battle from Washington escaped
  • Quakers

    Quakers found world's first anti-slavery society
  • Common Sense

    written by Thomas Paine saying that they colonies can have a democratic government
  • Declaration of Independence

    written by Thomas Jefferson; told Britain all their wrong doings
  • NJ Constitution

    temporarily gives the women the vote
  • Trenton

    Hessians were captured
  • First Constitution

    Articles of Confederation
  • Battle of Yorktown

    last battle that was won by the Americans
  • Treaty of Paris

    1783; British had to recognize the US as independent
  • Land Ordinance

    provided that the acreage of the Old Northwest should be sold to pay the national debt
  • Shay's Rebellion

    farmers were mad because they were losing their farms through mortgage foreclosures and tax delinquencies