Chapter 29

  • First Olympics with Women

    Women werent allowed to participate in the olympics at the first olympics. It was thought that men were more athletic and that women were too weak. This angered women and the Federation Sportive Feminine was created.There were many debates on women being allowed in the normal olympics. Finally they were in allowed in Paris, 1900.
  • Italy's King Assasinated

    Angelo Bresci shot King Umberto. The assassination was in retaliation for a violently crushed 1898 labor revolt.
  • Boer War Ends

  • U.S. Passes the Chinese Exclusion Act

  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is founded

  • Income Tax Amendment

    In 1789 Congress collected a tariff. In 1861 the Civil War started. The cost of the war made the government levy a series of new taxes. In 1894 the federal government raised a tax on the money people made. It was terminated in 1895 because the states with less people payed more than the people in a state with a big population. The 16th ammendment made it more fair for all people.
  • Panama Canal opens

    The Panama Canal opened in 1914. It opened because travelers were mad that it took so long to get from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Travelers wished that they could take a shortcut so that they could go from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Teddy Roosevelt helped a lot with making the Panama canal open.
  • World War One in Europe begins

    The World War began in Europe in 1914. The War began with mainly Germany, Austria, Hungary and Turkey against mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy and Japan. It started when a Serbian Nationalist killed Archduke Francis Ferdinard of Austria.
  • World War One ends in Europe

    World War One was between Europe, Russia, the United States, Middle East, and other places. The position of the Central Powers had rapidly become worse in the Autumn of 1918. World War One ended when Allies at Rethondes and Germany signed an agreement.
  • Postwar Adjustments Begin

    The Post war adjustments start in 1918 and continue all through 1923. New republic in Germany, economic recession and recovery; emergence of communist movement.
  • Women given right to vote

    The 19th amendment was passed in 1920, and all women got the right to vote. It started by people giving women education, and allowing them to take part in movements. Suffrage quickly became the main goal o the women's right movements. People involved: Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Lucy Stone, and Emmeline Panhurst
  • Mussolini Power

    In 1922 Mussolini over took Italy and was in control of it.
  • Locarno agreements

    These agreements regularize Germany's diplomatic relations.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    General Treaty for the Renunciation of War or the World Peace Act.
  • President Roosevelt Inaugurated

    The Great Depression was worst and longest period of unemployment. Banks, factories, and stores closed and left many people jobless. Many people depended on the government to give them money to live. Roosevelt one the election and he gave money to the government which then led to the New Deal.
  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

  • New Deal

    The New Deal is introducted to the United States in 1933 and last all the way through 1937.
  • Popular Front Government

    France had the popular front government. (was an alliance of left-wing movements, including the French Communist Party, the French Section of the Workers' International and the Radical and Socialist Party,)
  • Germany invades Poland to begin World War II

    The Soviet Union and Germany made a deal to not have anymore wars. This led to Hitler attacking Poland. Britian and France started war with Germany. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and now the U.S. was included in the war. Germany eventually surrendered and war was imposed on Japan.
  • Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor

    U.S. enters World War II. Japan sends a letter to the U.S. that says they will attack Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt is president and doesn't do anything about it. The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor and many die. This starts war among the two. People involved: Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, Chief of the Fleet, and Walter Short, the Commanding Chief of Pearl Harbor.
  • U.S becomes a member of the United Nations

    The U.S. agreed to the United Nations Participation Act and that allowed them to become part of the United Nations. They met in London for the first time ever. The only people who didn't show up were the losers of World War II, Germany and Japan. The reason of this meeting was to try to do something different and better for their organization
  • World War II ends

    Bombing of Japan is a main reason the war was ended, this ended the fighting near the Pacific.
  • New Constitutions

    New constitutions were established in Italym Germany, and France. The labor party victory in Britian and basic measures of the welfare states. All these happened between 1945 and 1948
  • Marshall Plan

    A program of financial aid and other initiatives, sponsored by the US, designed to boost the economies of western European countries.
  • Eastern and Western Germany Established

    The differences between the economic and political ideas of both were settled and the difference between the two were established. Eventually the Brelin wall was built to show the boundries.
  • U.S enters Korean War

    The United States, who was now part of the United Nations joined the war with several other countries.
  • Korean War ends

    Eisenhower promised the U.S. he would stop the war with Korea. He secretly met with Korean officials and had a peace talk with American soldiers. It finally ended in 1954
  • Rosa Parks

    There was segregation between colored people and white people. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man and she was arrested for this. Colored people stopped riding the busses and soon the bus companies went broke and the colored people were given the same rights as the whites on busses. Martin Luther King Jr. was involved in this as well.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King was part of the bus boycotting. He wanted more rights for colored people. He spoke at Lincoln Memorial about their rights and he's most famous for his "I have a dream" speech.
  • Common Market

    The common market was established. This is also known as the European Economic Community. (A name for the European Economic Community or European Union)
  • Alaska becomes 49th state

    In 1867 the USA bought Alaska from Russia, and paid $7,200,000.00 for it. Alaska was not originally a state, it took two years to make it a state and allow the people living there to vote.
  • Hawaii becomes the 50th state

    Became a U.S. possession in 1898, and a territory of the U.S. in 1900. Hawaii officially became the 50th state on August 21, 1959.
  • Civili Rights Moevements Begin

    Movements in the United States beginning in the 1960s and led primarily by Blacks in an effort to establish the civil rights and equality for all races.
  • President John F. Kennedy assassinated

    Kennedy was running for president, but he previously didn't get the votes from Texas so he went there to try and sway the votes. When he was driving down the street a man shot him and killed him.
  • U.S combat troops sent to Vietnam

    The U.S. wanted to stop the spread of communism, so that is why they joined the war. Many people were killed during the war and the U.S. left the war in 1973.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated

    The Kloe Klox Klan burned down Martian Luther King Jr.'s house and he died in 1968.
  • 18 year olds are given right to vote

    Eighteen year olds were given the right to vote in federal elections.
  • President Richard Nixon resigns

    Nixon sent two people to break into a meeting that the republicans were having about how to win the next election. Soon people found out Nixon was part of this and they impeached him. He resigned.
  • Vietnam War ends

    President Nixon unveiled a new plan in public which made the North Vietnamese president and the South Vietnamese president resign immediately. It led to someone saying that the USA prisoners would be released only when the USA had completely withdrawn it's troops from the war.
  • Iran seizes U.S. hostages

    American Embassy in Iran was taken over by Iranian students. The United States tried to free them but it failed. The prissoners were finally released in 1981
  • Thatcher

    Margaret Thatcher was a British stateswoman and the first woman to serve as Prime Minister.
  • Reagan becomes president

    Ronald Reagan becomes the president of the United States.
  • First Woman on Supreme Court

    Sandra Day O'Conner becomes first woman on Supreme Court.
  • First U.S. Woman in Space

    Sally Ride becomes first U.S. woman to go to space.
  • Berlin Wall is torn down

    East and West Germany were very different in the way they were run, so they put up a wall. They decided ot tear it down and eventually became one united state.
  • Persian Gulf War "Operation Desert Storm" begins

    Saddam Hussien had taken control of Iraq in 1979. There was a lot of conflict and King Fahd invited the U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia to defend his monarchy from the Iraqi invasion.
  • End of Economic Restrictions within Common Market

    Jacques Delors, declared that in order to achieve the main objective of the EEC Treaty, the creation of a single market, all internal European borders should be eliminated by the end of 1992.