Chapter 26 timeline

  • mein kampf

    mein kampf
    A book written by Hitler that discussed his life and his ideals. In it he revealed that he regarded the masses with contempt, and also many of his strategies of coming to power. He wrote this book while in prison after his failed Putsch in Munich, and it was published in 2 volumes
  • Stock Market Crash

    The U.S. stock market crash was one of a few events around the world that that triggered the Great Depression. It occured when American individuals as well as the government borrow money to invest in Stock. But the Federal Reserve bank tried to slow this by tightening availible credit, to meet the new resrictions, brokers were forced to ask for payment of the borrowed money. So people, began to sell their stocks, but no one was buying.
  • The Great Depression

    Started in the U.S. and spread around the world. Germany was hit the hardest by this, because of their WWI debt. This was a contributing factor to the rise of Nazism in Germany.
  • Japanese Expansion

    It began when Japanese officersblew up a railroad train in the Chinese province of Manchuria. They made the explosion look like a CHinese plot, and the army used this as an excuse to take over the territory. After this, Japan proceeded to expand into China, thailand, French Indonesia, Taiwan, and Korea.
  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria

    Manchuria was invaded by the empire of japan immediatly following the Mukden incident. The Japanese established Manchuko, a puppet government, and held their post until the end of WWII
  • Enabling act

    Enabling act
    The legislation passed sepending constitutional government for 4 years in order to address the crisis of the German economy. Hitler highly promoted this act, and so did middle class Germans to advance the creation of a "peoples community" of Aryans.This act later allowed Hitler to come to full power.
  • Hitler comes to power

    The Nazi party quickly gained support from 1928-1932. Using modern propoganda, Hitler was able to gain support. He began recruting young people, and influenced the learning and practically brainwashed the new generation. He eventually came to full power in 1933 with the enablling act.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Legislation created by the Nazis that deprived Jews of their citizenships and other rights. They forbid marriges between Jews and Aryans, and made birth control and abortions readily available to them, while both were illegal for Aryans. These laws showed their "racial inferiority" and later lead to mass executions.
  • The Ethiopian War

    Mussolini chose to invade Ethiopia, because he waned to to demonstrate his regim's youth and vigor. Italy had previously attempted this and failed. Italy boasted of their racial superiority to the Africans, which stirred up nationalistic pride in the Africans.
  • Remilitarization of the Rhineland

    Remilitarization of the Rhineland
    hitler purposely sent his troops into what was supposed to be a permanently demilaterized zone. The French protested to the League of nations, instead of occupying the region. The inhabitants and the brittish accepted this move, and Hitler and Mussolini looked extremely powerful compared to other leaders
  • spanish civil war

    Dictatorship had just been overthrown, and different parties were fighting for control. Hitler and Mussolini sent troops to back Francisco France's troops (of civillians) so they could test their war techniques; such as the bombings of civillians.
  • Rape of Nanjing

    Rape of Nanjing
    A 6 week war (that included rape) where Japanese soldiers killed hundreds of thousands of chinses soldiers and disarmed civillians.President Roosevelt immediatly announced an embargo on on U.S. export of airplane parts to Japan and later drastically cut the crucial raw materials that supplied Japanese industry.
  • Anschluss

    A german-Austrian merger that occurred at the wishes of many Austrians. This allowed Hitler to seize Austria's gold, and gcreate a larger German nation full of Aryans. Nazis gained more support in Austria by solving their unemployment problem.
  • Munich Conference

    It allowed the Nazi anexation of Czechoslavakia's Sudetenland. It wasnegotiated in Munich Germany, without the presence of Czechoslavakia. Today, it is regarded as a failed act of appeasement towards Germany.
  • appeasement

    The strategy of preventing war by making concessions for legitimate grievances. In this case, it was the supposed insult to the Germans in the Peace of Paris.