Cell Theory Timeline

  • 322

    Greek Philosopher

    Greek Philosopher
    In 322 BC Aristotle became a greek pholpher and did studyimg and writing.
  • The invention of the microscope

    The invention of the microscope
    Jansen Invented the first basic microscope. Without this invention, people would have never seen cells.
  • pneumatic chemistry

    pneumatic chemistry
    in 1609 Helmont became the founder of pneumaticm chemistry after he had a rich settlement with his family.
  • Creation of the simple microscope

    Creation of the simple microscope
    in 1668 anton van leeuwenhoek created a simple microscope.
  • Botanist

    In 1800 Robert Brown made a contribution to the founding of the cell nucleus and cytoplasmic streaming
  • the study in medicine

    the study in medicine
    in 1832 matthias began studying medicine and mainly dealt with plant anatomy
  • cell theory proposes

    cell theory proposes
    in 1838 Oken speculated thatn plants and animals are made up of tiny living infusoria led to the cell theory.
  • Discovery of new cells

    Discovery of new cells
    Theodor Schwann discovered new cells and found new development of cells. He was a teacher at Berlin and taught histology.
  • profesor of physiology

    profesor of physiology
    in 1845 Roelliker became a proffesor of physiology and studied in the developmet of higher animals
  • Profesor of chemistry

    Profesor of chemistry
    in 1848 Louis became a proffesor in chemistry. In 1854 he was working oin the germ theory but he did not want to invent. in 1879 he made his first vaccine discovery called chicken cholera
  • cellular patythology

    cellular patythology
    in 1849,Rudolf Virchow founded cellurlar pathology