Cell Theory Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1577

    Spontaneous generation is created

    Spontaneous generation is created
    Jan Baptist van Helmont discovered spontaneous generation. He said that the supposed production of living orgnaisms comes form nonliving matter.
  • Plants and animals observed

    Plants and animals observed
    Aristotle theorized how plants and animals developed. The actual date was in 384 B.C. but I wanted the timeline to scale out correctly.
  • First microscope created

    First microscope created
    Jansen invented the first basic microscope. Without this invention, people would have never seen cells
  • First cells discovered

    First cells discovered
    Robert Hook discovered the first cells and gave them their name. Without him, cells wouldn't have been discovered until later in life.
  • First live cell found under microscope

    First live cell found under microscope
    Leeuwenhoek was the first to witness a live cell under a microscope. He saw bacteria about 9 years later.
  • Living organisms are made up of cells

    Living organisms are made up of cells
    Oken said that all living organisms originate from and consist of cells or vesicles. This might have been the first discovery about Cell Theory.
  • First nucleus described and discovered

    First nucleus described and discovered
    Brown discovered what the nucleus does for the cell. Without it, we wouldn't know how the nulceus would help the cell.
  • Cell Theory proposed

    Cell Theory proposed
    Schwann and Schleiden discovered that some organisms are multicellular and some are unicellular. They also found out that the cell membrane and the cell nucleus belong to the properties of the cell, by comparisons of plant and animal cells. Without them, cell theory wouldn't have been discovered.
  • Sperm and egg cells discovered as cells

    Sperm and egg cells discovered as cells
    Roelliker realized that sperm cells and egg cells are also under the catergory of cells.
  • Described that cells come from existing cells.

    Described that cells come from existing cells.
    Virchow said that only cells can develop from existing cells. Without this, the way cells multiply would be unknown.
  • Living thigs can only come from other living things

    Living thigs can only come from other living things
    Pasteur demonstrated that the microorganisms would grow in sterilized broth only if the broth was first exposed to air that contained their spores (reproductive cells).
  • links

    sceince.howstuffworks.com/dictionary/famous-scientists/chemists/louis-pasteur-info.htm www.xtimeline.com/evt.view.aspx?id=940911 http://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/scientific-experiments/scientific-method4.htm physicsbook.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=126%3Aschwann-and-schleiden&catid=64%3Abiology&Itemid=92 bitesizebio.com/articles/history-of-cell-biology/