Cell theory

By Chooka
  • microscope

    hans and zacharias jansen
    janen was the inventer of the first compund microscope
  • Cell first observed

    Cell first observed
    Robert Hooke
    - Discovered a honeycomb-like structure in a cork slice.
    - He only saw cell walls as this was dead tissue. He coined the term "cell" for these individual compartments he saw.
  • fransesco redi

    He did the expierment to dissprove sontanious generation by showing that the rotting meat did not turn into flies as one was covered in cloth and one left out the one that was exposed to flies had magotts.
  • First living cells seen

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    - Biologist.
    - Looks at pond water with a microscope he made lenses for.
  • Minature animals

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    - Made several more discoveries on a microscopic level,
    - Publishing a letter to the Royal Society with drawing of what he saw.
    - Among these was the first protozoa and bacteria discovered.
  • lazario spallanzani

    suggested that microbes could move through the air to cause what other scientists of the time called spontaneous generation he also showed that boiling the mircobes in a sample that no spontanious generation could occure suggesting that that no contamination was the cause of seemingly spontaneous life
  • The centre of the cell seen

    Robert Brown, an English botanist, discovered the nucleus in plant cells.
  • development of the theory

    thereodore schawinhe
    contributed to the develpoment of an theory, he ststed that all living things are made up of sells and cell products
  • basic building blocks

    Matthias Jakob Schleiden
    - German botanist
    - Proposes that all plant tissues are composed of cells, and that cells are the basic building blocks of all plants. This statement was the first generalized statement about cells.
  • ruldolf virchow

    he was built on theredores studies.
    had built on the work of therodore shwans studies and discovered lukiemeia cells and added them to the cell theroy
  • Louis Pasteur

    Came up pasteurization.