Causes of the Revolutionary War

  • Minutemen

  • Militia

  • The French and Indian War

    The Parliament tried to remove the French from North America
  • The Writs of Assistance

    A writ of assistance is a written order issued by a court instructing a law enforcement official, such as a sheriff or a tax collector, to perform a certain task. Historically, several types of writs have been called "writs of assistance". Strictly to enforce the Acts of Trade.
  • Patriots

  • Pontiacs War

  • Proclamation of 1763

  • Boycott

  • Communities of Correspondence

  • Sugar Act

  • Currency Act

  • Stamp Act

  • Sons of Liberty

  • Quartering Act

  • Townshend Act

  • Boston Tea Party

  • Intolerable Act

    They put this into action because to punish colonist in massachusetts for the boston tea party.
  • Loyalists

    In the year of.
  • Quebec Act

  • Olive Branch Petition

    Reaction to the coercive Acts. A series of measures imposed by the British government on the colonies in response to their resistance to new taxes.
  • Continental Congress

    Held because the colonist where very upset with the taxes.
  • Continental Army

  • New England Restraining Act

  • Restraint Act

  • Common Sense

  • Lexington and Concord

    British wanted to investigate accounts that the colonists were stockpiling weapons in Concord.
  • Tea Act

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    The americans wanted to keep the british from leaving the city.
  • Prohibitory Act

  • Battle of Quebec

  • Daughters of Liberty

    Protested against taxes
  • Second Continental Congress

    Wanted to break away from Great Britain
  • Declaration of Independence

    To announce to King George III that the thirteen colonies which were previously under British rule were now free in spite their disagreement.
  • Policy of non-importation

  • Albany Plan of Union

    Benjamin Franklin wrote the Albany Plan of the Union of 1754. It's purpose was to unite the Colonies during the French and Indian War that was the framework for the Articles of Confederation.
  • Petition

    No date.