Causes of the American Revolution

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Singed by King George lll, the Proclamation of 1763 banned colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains. The people who already were west of the mountains were forced to move to the east side of the mountains. This was signed because the Native Americans were still fighting west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Stamp Act of 1764

    Stamp Act of 1764
    The Stamp Act was the first direct tax on the colonists. The things that were taxed were any printed materials such as newspapers, pamphlets and legal documents. The high cost for the British military organization had a high cost and it needed paid off so this act was passed to help balance the cost out.
  • Sugar Act of 1764

    Sugar Act of 1764
    Parliament passed the Sugar Act so that all of the war debt was paid off from the French and Indian War. It also helped with paying to run the new colonies and their territories. Many things were taxed through this act such as textiles, wine, coffee and more.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a result of a mob that was harassing British soldiers. This lead to the soldiers muskets being shot into the crowd of people. The outcome of this was five people dead and six other that were wounded.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Sons of Liberty were a group of men who boarded three British ships and dumped tea into the harbor. They were dressed as Mohawk Indians and dumped forty five tons of tea in the harbor. The cost of the tea is around $1,000,000 as of today.
  • Boston Port Act

    Boston Port Act
    During the Boston Port Act, the port was closed off until the price of the tea that was dumped in the harbor was retrieved. They had to move the capital of Massachusetts to Salem. This also made them change where their very important port was. They had to move their official port to Marblehead as their official port.
  • Massachusetts Regulating Act

    Massachusetts Regulating Act
    The Massachusetts Regulating Act banned people from having town meeting that didn't have approval from the royal governor. It also made law officers assigned jobs from the royal governor. This made the colonists mad because they couldn't have meetings about what they wanted.
  • Impartial Administration of Justice Act

    Impartial Administration of Justice Act
    The Impartial Administration of Justice Act was passed so that royal governors of colonies could move trials to other places. If someone was in Virginia and they had a trial the royal governor could move it to Massachusetts or sometimes England. This would happen when the governor thought the trial wouldn't be judged fairly.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was passed so that British soldiers were able to stay in houses and empty houses if the barracks were full. They got to stay at houses for free and ate for free. The people who lived in the houses had to let them stay there and they couldn't say no. If they said no then they would get arrested.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act was passed so that Catholics were granted civil government. They also got granted religious freedom. This happened in Quebe.