Causes and Effects of World War 1

  • Beginning of World War 1

    Serbian member Gavrilo Princip assassinates Archduke Franz.
  • War is Declared

    Austria declares war on Serbia.
  • Germany Declares War on Russia

    Germany declares a war on Russia.
  • Germany Attacks Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia.
  • First Attack

    Nazis invade Belgium, which causes Britain to declare war on Germany.
  • Japan Declares War on Germany

    Since they were allied with Great Britain, Japan declares war on Germany as well.
  • Russia Declares War on Turkey.

    In October, Turkey assists Germany in bombarding Russia, causing Russia to declare war.
  • Italy Enters War

    Italy joins the side of the allies
  • The March Revolution

    Russian families stopped getting bread rations and started a riot.
  • League of Nations Created

    The intergovernmental organisation known as The League of Nations was founded on this day as a result of the Paris Peace Conference.
  • Hitler Becomes Leader

    Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the NSDAP ( Nazi Party ).
  • Story of Mein Kampf

    After being put into prison for revolting, Hitler found this as an opportunity to show the ideas of the Nazi party and wrote Mein Kampf.
  • U.S Stock Market Crashes

    The stock market crashes, causing a panic of people attempting to pull money from the bank. This causes an even bigger problem since the bank didn't have the people's money.
  • Hitler appointed to Chancellor

    The conservatives thought that they could still control Hitler if he was at a lower position, and allowed him the position,
  • Invasion of China / Beginning of WW2

    Probably the harshest turning points throughout the world's recent history and kicking off the war was the Japan invading China, causing an afterquake to ripple wars throughout Asia.
  • Pearl Harbor

    The bombing of Pearl Harbor brought the U.S out of neutrality and joined the allies to fight the Central Powers.
  • D-Day

    America, Britain, and Canada invade the beaches of Normandy attacking the Nazis. They were successful in this attack.
  • Hitler Apparently Commits Suicide

    Hitler reportedly shoots his wife and then himself.
  • Germany Surrenders

    The German army surrenders to the allies.
  • Hiroshima Bombing

    During the near end of World War 2, the Allies drop two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.