Catholic Monarchs

By StanWE
  • 1468

    Toros de Guisando

    Toros de Guisando
  • 1469

    Marriage of the Catholic Monarchs

    Marriage of the Catholic Monarchs
  • Period: 1474 to 1479

    War of Castilian Succession

  • 1475

    Acuerdo de Segovia

    Acuerdo de Segovia
  • 1476

    Battle of Toro

    Battle of Toro
  • 1476

    Santa Hermandad beggining

  • 1478

    Creation of the Inquisition

    Creation of the Inquisition
  • 1479

    Treaty of Alcaçovas

    Treaty of Alcaçovas
  • Period: 1482 to 1492

    War of Granada

  • 1492

    Expulsion of jews and muslims, and Discovery of America

  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
  • 1496

    Catholic Monarchs title

    Catholic Monarchs title
  • 1496

    Conquest of Canary Islands

    Conquest of Canary Islands
  • 1504

    Death of Isabel I

    Death of Isabel I
  • 1512

    Conquest of Navarra by Fernando II

    Conquest of Navarra by Fernando II
  • 1515

    Annexation of Navarra to Castilla

    Annexation of Navarra to Castilla
  • 1516

    Death of Fernando II

    Death of Fernando II
  • 1516

    Carlos V heir of Fernando II

    Carlos V heir of Fernando II
  • 1516

    Expansion thorugh North Africa