
Career Timeline Project

  • Start Fundamentals of Web Design A

    Start Fundamentals of Web Design A
    John Jr. should take the first class of Fundamentals of Web Design using Georgia Virtual School in order to gain more knowledge of the career he is looking into.
  • Period: to

    Apply for a student membership at WDDA

    John Jr. should look into joining the WDDA (Web Designers and Developers Association) this year. He can sign up for a membership, which right now, is free to join. By joining the WDDA or a different web design organization, John Jr. can get more experience with web design by being a part of something that invloves technology and the web. The WDDA website can be found here.
  • Period: to

    Review Web Challenge Hall of Fame at tagedonline.org

    John Jr. should consider reviewing the Web Challenge Hall of Fame found on the TAG Education Collaborative website (tagedonline.org). After looking at the different web challenges, John Jr. may think about joining the competition in the next semester of his freshman year.
  • UGA DukeTIP Web Weekend

    UGA DukeTIP Web Weekend
    John Jr. should attend a web weekend sponsored by DukeTIP in the fall. Dates are not out yet, but around October would be a perfect time to attend one. DukeTip at UGA is a perfect oppurtunity for John Jr. to be instructed by a professional and learn more about his dream of becoming a web designer. More information about DukeTIP can be found here: http://www.coe.uga.edu/torrance/about/duke-tip-at-uga/
  • Take Fundamentals of Web Design B

    Take Fundamentals of Web Design B
    Once John Jr. finishes his first semester of Fundamentals of Web Design A, and he is still interested in Web Design, he should take the Fundamentals of Web Design B class on Georgia Virtual School. This is the second class needed to take in order to complete the Fundamentals of Web Design course. After finishing both of these classes at the end of the school year, John Jr. should be able to have a better understanding of Web Design and be able to be prepared for a career in Web Design
  • Period: to

    Join High School Web Challenge

    John Jr. should compete in the High School Web Challenge. The topic has not been announced yet, but John Jr. could gain more knowledge of web design by participating in this. More information can be found at tagedonline.org
  • Atlanta Science Festival

    Atlanta Science Festival
    The Atlanta Science Festival starts on March 1, 2015 and goes on for about a week. This is a great oppurtunity for John Jr. to look at the different jobs in technology and science. There are many different places you can attend and there are many different jobs, including Web Design, that have set up events people in the Atlanta Science Festival can attend. More information can be found here.
  • Ask a Scientist Night

    Ask a Scientist Night
    Ask a Scientist Night is part of the Atlanta Science Festival. At this event, John Jr. can go up to different computer scientists and learn more about his career he plans to go into. Scientists can answer questions about their job, research, experience, and general science. The date for 2015 is still to be determined, but will take place around March. More information about Ask a Scientist night in 2014 can be found here.
  • 360* Networking Event

    360* Networking Event
    The 360* STEM Networking Event is part of the Atlanta Science Festival. It helps bring together people focusing on science and technology. It occurs March 25th (dates subject to change) at Spelman College from 6-8PM and the admission price is free. This would be a good oppurtunity for John Jr. to network with other professionals. More information can be found at: http://www.atlantasciencefestival.org/events/event/508