Cancer Check in

  • Dermatologist visit

    Visit dermatologist once a year once puberty has started to check to see any abnormalities that may have grown. This will be testing for skin cancer. Self examination should also be done every few months to make sure there are no abnormalities.
  • CBE

    This is a self examination of the breast. This is to check for any lumps found on the breast in search of breast cancer. These should be done every 3 years starting at age 20 through age 39.
  • PAP

    A PAP test is to test for cervical cancer. This will check for any abnormalities that might show up on the test. If there is an abnormality found on the test, further testing may take place. A PAP test should be done every 3 years from the age 21-30 and ever 5 years from 30-65. After age 65 they should not be need unless advised by doctor.
  • CBE

    This is a self examination of the breast. This is to check for any lumps found on the breast in search of breast cancer. These should be done every 3 years starting at age 20 through age 39.
  • PAP

    A PAP test is to test for cervical cancer. This will check for any abnormalities that might show up on the test. If there is an abnormality found on the test, further testing may take place. A PAP test should be done every 3 years from the age 21-30 and ever 5 years from 30-65. After age 65 they should not be need unless advised by doctor.
  • CBE

    This is a self examination of the breast. This is to check for any lumps found on the breast in search of breast cancer. These should be done every 3 years starting at age 20 through age 39.
  • PAP

    A PAP test is to test for cervical cancer. This will check for any abnormalities that might show up on the test. If there is an abnormality found on the test, further testing may take place. A PAP test should be done every 3 years from the age 21-30 and ever 5 years from 30-65. After age 65 they should not be need unless advised by doctor.
  • CBE

    This is a self examination of the breast. This is to check for any lumps found on the breast in search of breast cancer. These should be done every 3 years starting at age 20 through age 39.
  • PAP

    A PAP test is to test for cervical cancer. This will check for any abnormalities that might show up on the test. If there is an abnormality found on the test, further testing may take place. A PAP test should be done every 3 years from the age 21-30 and ever 5 years from 30-65. After age 65 they should not be need unless advised by doctor.
  • CBE

    This is a self examination of the breast. This is to check for any lumps found on the breast in search of breast cancer. These should be done every 3 years starting at age 20 through age 39.
  • PAP

    A PAP test is to test for cervical cancer. This will check for any abnormalities that might show up on the test. If there is an abnormality found on the test, further testing may take place. A PAP test should be done every 3 years from the age 21-30 and ever 5 years from 30-65. After age 65 they should not be need unless advised by doctor.
  • CBE

    This is a self examination of the breast. This is to check for any lumps found on the breast in search of breast cancer. These should be done every 3 years starting at age 20 through age 39.
  • CBE

    This is a self examination of the breast. This is to check for any lumps found on the breast in search of breast cancer. These should be done every 3 years starting at age 20 through age 39.
  • PAP

    A PAP test is to test for cervical cancer. This will check for any abnormalities that might show up on the test. If there is an abnormality found on the test, further testing may take place. A PAP test should be done every 3 years from the age 21-30 and ever 5 years from 30-65. After age 65 they should not be need unless advised by doctor.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • PAP

    A PAP test is to test for cervical cancer. This will check for any abnormalities that might show up on the test. If there is an abnormality found on the test, further testing may take place. A PAP test should be done every 3 years from the age 21-30 and ever 5 years from 30-65. After age 65 they should not be need unless advised by doctor.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Sigmoidoscopy

    A sigmoidoscopy is used to find colon cancer. This test will be done by going through the rectum with a light and small camera up through the nearest part of the colon. This will not need the patient to be put under any anesthesia since it is not a full colonoscopy. This should be done every 5 year starting at the age of 50.
  • Colonoscopy

    A colonoscopy is a more invasive procedure compared to the sigmoidoscopy. This is similar to the sigmoidoscopy as it a procedure done to check the colon for cancer. Instead of stopping at the top part of the colon though, it will go all the way through the entire colon to feel for any abnormalities. Since this is a longer procedure and will endure a lot more pain, this will require the patient to be put under anesthesia. A colonoscopy should be done every 10 years starting at the age of 50.
  • PAP

    A PAP test is to test for cervical cancer. This will check for any abnormalities that might show up on the test. If there is an abnormality found on the test, further testing may take place. A PAP test should be done every 3 years from the age 21-30 and ever 5 years from 30-65. After age 65 they should not be need unless advised by doctor.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Sigmoidoscopy

    A sigmoidoscopy is used to find colon cancer. This test will be done by going through the rectum with a light and small camera up through the nearest part of the colon. This will not need the patient to be put under any anesthesia since it is not a full colonoscopy. This should be done every 5 year starting at the age of 50.
  • PAP

    A PAP test is to test for cervical cancer. This will check for any abnormalities that might show up on the test. If there is an abnormality found on the test, further testing may take place. A PAP test should be done every 3 years from the age 21-30 and ever 5 years from 30-65. After age 65 they should not be need unless advised by doctor.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Mammogram

    A mammogram is a test used to check for breast cancer. This test will use low energy x rays to see an abnormalities that may be growing in the breast. This should be done every year from the age of 45-54. After age 54, they should be done every two years.
  • Sigmoidoscopy

    A sigmoidoscopy is used to find colon cancer. This test will be done by going through the rectum with a light and small camera up through the nearest part of the colon. This will not need the patient to be put under any anesthesia since it is not a full colonoscopy. This should be done every 5 year starting at the age of 50.
  • Colonoscopy

    A colonoscopy is a more invasive procedure compared to the sigmoidoscopy. This is similar to the sigmoidoscopy as it a procedure done to check the colon for cancer. Instead of stopping at the top part of the colon though, it will go all the way through the entire colon to feel for any abnormalities. Since this is a longer procedure and will endure a lot more pain, this will require the patient to be put under anesthesia. A colonoscopy should be done every 10 years starting at the age of 50.
  • PAP

    A PAP test is to test for cervical cancer. This will check for any abnormalities that might show up on the test. If there is an abnormality found on the test, further testing may take place. A PAP test should be done every 3 years from the age 21-30 and ever 5 years from 30-65. After age 65 they should not be need unless advised by doctor.