
by Talia First Fleet 1788

By talia.o
  • First Fleet arrives in Australia

    First Fleet arrives in Australia
    Catholic convicts were on the First Fleet. Catholic convicts were forced to go to the Anglican church. They were flogged if they refused.
  • First two priets arrive in NSW

    First two priets arrive in NSW
    These priests were convicts and not allowed to celebrate mass.
  • 1792 Catholics petiton Governor Phillip

    1792 Catholics petiton Governor Phillip
    Governor refused, made them go to Anglican services. Catholics rebelled and burnt down the church.
  • First mass allowed to be celebrated

    First mass allowed to be celebrated
    In 1803, Father Dixon was allowed to celebrate the first official mass. The first Sunday mass was held in Sydney.
  • First Free Priest

    First Free Priest
    In 1817 Father O'Flynn arrive. He had to preform masses, baptisms and marriages in secret.