Buroynes surrender

  • The First Colonist

    The first 105 colonists sent by the London Company arrived in America.
  • More settlers

    Some 400 more settlers arrived in Jamestown.
  • Marriage

    Pocahontas married John Rolfe in 1614.
  • Slavery

    Most africans from Virginia were being kept in a felong Slavery.
  • New Colony Arrives

    George Calvert asked King Charles 1 for a charter establising a new colony in America for Catholics.
  • The Constitution

    In 1639 the people of Cnnecticut drew up the english colonies Written Constitution.
  • Burgoynes surrender

    Burgoyenes surrendered his entire army to general Horaton Gates.
  • Passed Articles

    Thes econd continental congerss passed the articles of confedential on Nov 15.
  • States Ratifies Articles

    Every state except Maryland had ratified the articles
  • Maryland Ratifies Articles

    Maryland ratified the articles.
  • Trading

    United States had traded with British West Indies stopped in 1783
  • Closing Shipping

    In 1784 spanish officials closed the lower Mississippi River to U.S. shipping.
  • Land Ordinance

    Set up a system for surveying and dividing western lands.
  • British Magazine

    The British had a british magazine to call the new nartion the Disunited States.
  • Farmers Rebel

    August 1786, farmers in three western countries revolted and closed down courts
  • Northwest Ordinance

    The Ordinance established the Northwest territory, which included areas that are now in Illinois,Indiana,Michigan,Ohio,Minesota,and Wisconsin.
  • Shay's Defeat

    Shay'a forces were defeated by states troops in Januray 1787.
  • Ratify the Constitution

    December 7 Delaware became the first state to ratify the constitution.
  • The Judiciary Act

    Marbury claimed that the Judiacary Act of 1789 gave the supreme court the power to do so.
  • Bill of Rights

    By 1791 the Bill of Rights 10 of the proposed amendments intended to protect Citizens rights.
  • The Cotton Gin

    Was created in 1793 it was a machine used to remove seeds fromshort-staple cotton.
  • Violations of Neutrality

    The British ship leopard stopped the U.S. Navy Ship Chesapeake and tried to remove sailors .
  • Womens Suffrage

    New Jersey allowed women to note when if first join the United States this night was taken away by 1807.
  • Passes Act

    Congress passes the non-intercourse act.
  • Impeachment

    In 1868 Andrew Johnson was the first president to be impeached.