
Brycen and Mariano

  • Officer shrift

    Officer shrift
    Officer shrift is a short and chubby guy. He says he is the whole police force.He is a jailer and the judge.
  • The Which

    The Which
    The Which is slightly deadly aka Faintly Macabre. She used to be not so wicked and she used to take care of which words to say and which words not to say. She used to be known as the offical which of Dictionopolis and she is in jail for shortining the sentences.
  • King Azaz

    King Azaz
    King Azaz was very large and had a great big stomach and ruler of Dictionopolis. he has large piercing eyes and a big beard and he wears a silver singet ring.
  • Alec Bing

    Alec Bing
    He sees through things instead of regularly seeing things. He grows from the top and works his way down.
  • The fat/short/skinny/tall man

    The  fat/short/skinny/tall man
    He is the shortest giant in world. He is also the tallest short man in the world and the skinnest fat man in the world. he is also the the fattest skinny man in the world
  • Chroma

    Chroma is the leader of the band who makes color appear throughout the day/night.
  • Doctor Dischord

    Doctor Dischord
    Doctor Dischord is a doctor that cures lack of noise and he has GIGANTIC ears!

    The DYNNE is a thick bluish smog. He is really loud and really sensitive.