040121 hmed brown50 7p

Brown Vs Board of Education

  • segregation in public schools

     segregation in public schools
    Separate but equal was the term that was used. when it came to brown vs the board of education. it signified the equal opportunity of all races when it came to education. segregation in schools has always been a factor in that era. The supreme court ruled that segregated public facilities were legal as long as the facility, facilitated the equal opportunity for the African American as well as for the white race.
  • Period: to

    Brown V. Board of Education

    Here is a bit information of brown V. Board
    This Day in History - May 17, 1954, Brown vs. Board of Education trial came to an end with courts deciding racial segregation of public schools was unconstitutional. To find out more about this day Link:
    https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/brown-v-board-of-education-of-topeka Video https://youtu.be/OkuiMr2tLJE
  • Little Nine Rock

    Little Nine Rock
    The presence of the group of nine black students was the ultimate test for the school system at that time because they had just passed the constitution separated but equal. However, this was not the case for the theses black students. Their presence alone caused them to not be able to enter the school doors but it caused the school officials to have the federal troops to escort them into the school. Which then began another civil rights movement of that time.
  • Cooper vs Aaron

    Cooper vs Aaron
    In the public schools of little rock, the community of black children was asked to go into all-white schools that were first established in 1957. This was because the federal government, opposing segregation desegregation. This occurred in the state of Arkansas, the supreme court considered this as an unconstitutional law, and ruled otherwise.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, and religion is considered one of the most historic legislative achievements of the civil rights movement. There would no longer be a separation of Black people and other minorities being denied service simply based on the color of their skin.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is widely considered one of the greatest achievements of the civil rights movement.
  • Head Start Began

    Head Start Began
    Head Start has provided comprehensive child development services for millions of children services that allow children to grow in social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development, and allows professional educators to keep track of their progress in these areas to ensure that they are well prepared for kindergarten.
  • Disability Education Act

    Disability Education Act
    Prior to the 1970s, students with special needs had limited options and virtually no chance of succeeding by way of the free public education system alongside non-special needs children. The choices of the parents of these kids were one of the following, get their education at home, pay for the private school, or a private tutor.
  • Department of education is established

    Department of education is established
    The U.S. Department of Education is created by combining offices of several federal agencies. Its original mission is to guarantee equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation and is severed as a resource for all educators and work professionals.
  • Computers has now entered schools

    Computers has now entered schools
    Computers continued to be adapted in schools as 25 % of high schools used PCs for college and career guidance. Many K-8 schools purchased Apple II and Macintosh computers and high schools began buying mostly DOS-based clones.
  • Government oriented Schools

    Government oriented Schools
    Minnesota is one of the first states to pass public school choice laws, giving students the choice of attending any public school in the state. Previously, students were required to attend schools in their neighborhood and/or district.
  • Educational Goals

    Educational Goals
    National Education Goals are announced by the President and adopted by the Governors. The six goals, later expanded to eight, are to be reached by the year 2000: 1. All children will start school ready to learn. 2. The high school graduation rate will increase to at least 90%. 3. All students will become competent in challenging subject matter. 4. Teachers will have the knowledge and skills that they need. 5. U.S. students will be first in the world in mathematics and science achievement.