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Brief History of MCCCD and Phoenix College

  • First Junior College established

    Joliet Community College in Illinois added 5th and 6th year courses to a high school curriculum, thus creating the nation's first Junior College.
  • Phoenix (Junior) College opens

    Phoenix College, orginally called Phoenix Junior College was established as part of the Phoenix Union High School and Junior College District. It was the flagship of the Maricopa County College system. Weston W. Carpenter was the first dean.
  • AZ Legislature authorizes Junior Colleges

    AZ Legislature passes a law authorizing and legalizing the creation and maintenance of Junior Colleges in AZ. Prior to that Phoenix (Junior) College was consider extra-legal (with nothing to authorize its existence) and graduated 100 students.
  • Formal NCA Accreditation for Phoenix (Junior) College

    Phoenix (Junior) College receives formal recognition and membership in the North Central Association and is considered a step forward in the scholastic standing of the school. Prior to that PJC only had letters of aggreements to accept students credits with other colleges and universities.
  • Period: to

    Community Colleges provides job training programs

    Beginning around the time of the Great Depression and continuing through the 50's, community colleges provided job training programs as a way to ease widespread unemployment.
  • Phoenix (Junior) College current campus dedicated

  • AZ Legislature Supports Junior Colleges

    The Arizona Legislature authorized the State Board of Directors for Junior Colleges and enacted legislation to create junior college districts supported by county and state funds.
  • Enrollment increases as baby boomers reach college age

    During the 1960's enrollment in community colleges increases. Many new public community college were built.
  • MCJCD is Formed and Phoenix College joins the District

    The citizens of Maricopa County electto establish the Maricopa County Junior College District. in 1963, Phoenix College is integrated into the Maricopa District as its first institution. Glendale and Mesa campuses are set up as extentions of Phoenix College.
  • Community colleges become major part of American educational system

    Three factors contributed to enrollment almost doubling during this decade: baby boomers continuing to come of age, parents wanting their children to get a postsecondary education, and students seeking draft deferment during the Vietman War.
  • Phoenix College gets Technology

    The National Science Foundation chooses two colleges - Phoenix College and Northern Virginia Community College - to particpate in a pilot program project for the development of computer-aided instruction. Each school got 100 computers.
  • Nationwide Comission on the Future of Community Colleges

    The Nationwide Comission on the Future of Community Colleges recommended that community colleges and employers come together and make facilities available for workforce triaining, thus creating the model that we have today.
  • Phoenix College today

    Today Phoenix College serves over 30,000 students (from over 100 different countries) and offers over 150 degree and certificate programs. The college has 145 residential and over 700 adjunct faculty.