

  • claton blaisdell jr. or blaze is born

    claton blaisdell jr. or blaze is born
  • his mother is killed

    his mother is killed
    his mother is hit by a truck leaving him with his drunk father
  • he is taken by the state

    he is taken by the state
    after his father thorw him down the stairs twice and then back up them he is put in the E.R and left with a noticeable dent in his forehead and taken by the state.
  • he is put in to HH

    he is put in to HH
    Hilton house or also know as HH is were blaze spend most of his late childhood and early teenage years
  • he gets his first job

    he gets his first job
    he picks blueberrys for a man who is very happy with blazes work and ask blaze to stay but he has a heart attack and blaze is sent back to HH
  • he takes a turn for the worse

    he takes a turn for the worse
    his best friend dies of a fever that was not treated right. IN the end he hits the laws or the leader of HH and gets jail time.
  • starts a life of crime

    starts a life of crime
    well in jail he learns of new ways to make a liveing off of small "cons"
  • meets george

    meets george
    george is blazes only freind and he is very smart also very well planed out on all of his his jobs.
  • things begin to take a turn

    things begin to take a turn
    george is getting sick of small jobs and begins to think of one job and then out. They come up with the idea of kidnapping. They plan it out and how they will get the money. This all takes a turn when george is killed at a poker game and blaze is left to fend for himself.
  • blaze on his own

    blaze on his own
    He makes the desion to do the kiddnapping on his own
  • he starts the kiddnapping

    he starts the kiddnapping
    he plans on kiddnapping a baby form the second storty of a very wealthy mans home. He buys all the needed tools for for the job. he also takes ideas from george who is still taking to hin after his death. He buys everything for the baby to keep iy alive for a few weeks at the most.
  • the kiddnapping

    the kiddnapping
    He believes that he had cover his foot steps well but he did not think of his real footsteps he left in the snow. Also he didn't think of the blood nhe left in the snow or the minor clues.
  • New hiding spot

    New hiding spot
    Blaze remebmers a cave on HH land that him and a friend use to hang out in and takes the child there.
  • He makes a mistake

    He makes a mistake
    He forgets a few thing he needs to keep the child alive in the HH building and must go back to get them. when he is getting in to the cave he is spotted by a state cop. When the cp shoots at blaze and missed but grazes the baby blaze losses it and shoots the cop and kills two of his back up.
  • The story is cut short

    The story is cut short
    Once blaze kills three of the cops he goes on the run with the baby and he gets away for almost a mile though the woods till he is shot four times in the back. once he falls it shot one time in the head and the story is ended.
  • The end

    The end
    Blaze is buried in his home town. Jeo the baby is put in the E.R and recovers just fine will learned the blaze had been teaching himself the whole time and had never really spoke to george's spirts as it hints in the book.