Between the world wars.

  • end of world war one

  • the treaty

    The Treaty of Versailles is singed and revoulutionary outbreaks take place across Europe
  • war

    The Bolsheviks win the Russin civil war.
  • italy

    Mussolini and his fascists take power in Italy.T he former Tsarist Russin Empire becomes the union of soviet socialist rebpublics.
  • hitler

    Hitler attempts to seize power in Germany in the unsuccessful Munich pustch
  • nazis

    The Nazis win only 3 per cent of votes in German election
  • cars

    Almost one in five people own a car in the US.The first Australians screening of a 'talkie' takes place.
  • war 2

    The Depression begins
  • goverment

    Under the Melbourne Agreement, Australian goverments agree to cut spending
  • years

    Unemployment reaches it's peak in the worst year of the depression
  • power

    Hitler gains power.
  • invade

    Italy invades Abyssinia
  • civil war

    The Spanish civil war begins
  • japan

    Japan invades China